Vista 360º

Visita nuestra escuela de español, nuestras clases e imagínate haciendo un curso de español en España. ¿No te apetece venir ya?

Escuela de español Taronja

¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

Vista 360º 1
Luciano Avatar
I did a Spanish course in Taronja for one week and I loved it. In particular I appreciated the interactive way and the discussions that were promoted within the classmates to learn and talk. The activities organized by the school were also great (thanks again Nando for the fantastic paella class!). Last but not least, Valencia is a beautiful city and perfect to learn Spanish also outside of the school!
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Echt Fit Echt Fit Avatar
Echt Fit Echt Fit
Good price, good lessons, good location and funny. I loved it and learnt a lot.
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Peter Hughes Avatar
Peter Hughes
I really enjoyed my time at Taronja. For me everything came together for a fantastic experience. The teachers and teaching methods are great, the school has a great atmosphere where one rapidly feels comfortable and part of what is happening. The mix of different ages is also fantastic, it is great to get so much intergenerational contact. Finally, Valencia is a fantastic city; a nice size, loads of things going on, and I would almost say that it has a spirit.
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5 star rating
Оно того стоит Были каникулы в университете, и решила на недельку поехать в Испанию,заодно и испанский получить. Очень классный опыт, даже за неделю я почувствовала, как мой испанский с почти нуля дотянули до основ. Очень вдохновляющие, разные совершенно люди из разных стран были в классах и на мероприятиях, много классных знакомств случилось. Если хотите много практиковать испанский, то вперёд. Ещё в семью заселитесь - не будете говорить ни на русском ни английском вообще. Я общалась с хост мамой с помощью переводчика на телефоне
Учителя преподают не скучно. Мероприятия не дают сидеть дома.
Единственный минус то, что иногда учишься по вечерам, мне было очень тяжело.
И, конечно, самое грустное - уехать после одной недели. Кто-то приезжает на 3 месяца, кто-то на 6,кто-то переехал совсем. А ты погружаешься в эту атмосферу и уезжаешь через неделю. 🙁
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Moh Ammed Avatar
Moh Ammed
The best language school you will ever found!
It's no just a random language school, it's a family!
Taronja is the place to be! ♡
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Gosia Gniadek Avatar
Gosia Gniadek
Great classes, tona of extra activities and school parties like: Tapachat or Paella Party, Fiesta Mexicana on the beach. Ecery week on weekend there are some bigger tripa organised. It os super easy to make friends. It first I was afraid I won’t find friends my age at the school, age variety is huge so everyone easy gets along with others.
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Kee Gan Avatar
Kee Gan
Great location in the cultural centre of Valencia with great amentities and transport. Modern well equiped school. Affordable and close by accomodation with great host. And most importantly a well structured and enjoyable learning experience.
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C Ni Bhaoill Avatar
C Ni Bhaoill
I had a great experience at this school for a week in July 2014. Great teachers and a lovely atmosphere. The classes were a good laugh, but we still learned plenty. They catered for all levels, and you could move classes if you felt you were in the wrong level. The extra activities in the afternoons and evenings also added alot - helped to meet plenty of others on the courses, and also get to know Valencia, which is a gorgeous city. Highly recommended.
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