
STEFANO procede de la Suiza italiana y se encarga del programa social y de actividades de Taronja, así como de los internos de la escuela. Primero fue estudiante, luego becario y finalmente uno de los miembros más importantes de nuestra plantilla. Conoce al Gran Stefano, el Emperador de las Actividades.

Últimas noticias de Taronja School

Con nuestros cursos puedes mejorar tu expresión oral y aprender de una forma divertida y amena cómo somos los españoles.

¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

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Aleksandra Marczak Avatar
Aleksandra Marczak
Amazing school that is well managed and organized. Teachers are well prepared and engaged. School is also organizing extracurricular activities which are either educational or fun and I enjoyed both types. I had also opportunity to stay in one of the school shared flats. They are simple but clean and perfect for the time of stay. I highly recommend! If I could, I would definitely stay at school for a few months. I hope to be back at some point and do another course.
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Elena Avatar
I love this school! During my seven weeks at Taronja I’ve learned a lot (I hope I’ll remember all those verbos irregulares!). The lessons were very well organized, easy to understand and highly communicative, so even with my basic level of Spanish I could participate in all discussions and do the tasks. The teachers and the staff are great: young, friendly, creative and ready to help with everything! Most of the students are under 30, but there are a lot of learners over 45-50 like me, so I felt absolutely comfortable. We really had fun together at different events and activities, organized by the school every week: parties, excursions, dancing and cooking masterclasses or just picnics in the park. Valencia is a great place to visit and Taronja is the right place to study Spanish there!
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David S. Avatar
David S.
The school is located in the center of the city and easy to reach by public transportation or by walking. Everybody at the office is friendly and very helpful, they listen and understand your needs. They help you not only with school stuff but also with the matters of daily life and culture. Teachers are always prepared for the classes and they teach with an effective fun way. They understand your level and find out a way to make you understand and learn in a supportive way. Modern methods like internet and interactive whiteboard are used during the classes , which make the lessons flow easily. Grammar , reading, conversation, listening are well balanced. In a week different teachers are teaching in any given class that provides different styles, techniques and accents. Besides regular classes there are more classes to choose from ( like conversation ) according to one’s needs. Every week there are some activities, day trips and social gatherings so one can learn and experience more about the culture. The timetable of classes is constantly rotating hereby assigning a morning class on a day and an afternoon class on another day. Altogether it makes learning Spanish and Spanish culture easy, fun and effective process. Additionally Valencia is a very beautiful city with lovely locals. The city offers almost everything. Thank you all so much.
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floord171 Avatar
5 star rating
Recommended! If you are looking for a school to study Spanish, I really recommend this Taronja. It has the perfect balance between education and fun. The course offers a good way of learning Spanish with help of very nice and helpful teachers. Besides that, the school has different and fun activities everyday for you to participate in. This will allow you to meet lots of new people and gain new experiences.
Not to forget, it’s in Valencia too, which is a very beautiful city on its own.
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5 star rating
Лучшая школа для изучения испанского языка В июле 2019 года с подругой по рекомендации преподавателя из университета поехали в Taronja School, чтобы повысить уровень испанского языка. Я брала двухнедельный интенсивный курс + conversation workshop. Результат превзошёл все ожидания! Особенно важным для меня стало исчезновение так называемого "языкового барьера". Отдельно стоит отметить приятную атмосферу и дополнительные занятия, которые позволяют углубиться в культуру Испании, а также познакомиться с другими студентами Таронхи. Все возникающие проблемы решались очень быстро, не причиняя никаких неудобств. Без сомнений, вернусь сюда снова!
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Franziska Wied Avatar
Franziska Wied
I'm in the school since 3 weeks to learn spanish and I know that when I'm ready with the courses in 2 months, i can live here in Valencia with out much problems to speak the language. The course with the changing times and teachers is very cool. Also with the activities in the evenings. It's a school where it is fun to learn..!!
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5 star rating
diese Schule ist unglaublich vielseitig! Ich war für vier Wochen in Taronja zum Spanisch lernen. Und für mich war die Zeit in der Schule perfekt. Ich habe schnell und viel gelernt, die Lehrer sind offen, kompetent, hilfsbereit und haben Freude am Tun. Was die Schule für mich besonders gemacht hat, ist, dass sie einem Spanisch bei bringen, aber darüber hinaus auch viele Angebote zu Kultur und Leben stattfinden. Und ich hatte immer das Gefühl mit offenen Armen empfangen zu werden! Der perfekte Ort für einen Sprachurlaub.
Muchas gracias por el tiempo en su escuela! Vuelvo otra vez!
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Sarah Berryman Avatar
Sarah Berryman
A friendly school with great teachers and nice facilities. I was only there for a week but my confidence in speaking improved significantly. I came on my own but it was so easy to make friends through all the social activities and I loved meeting people from all over the world from ages 19-70. I had an amazing time and hope I can go back for longer next summer!
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