Nuestros profesores

EQUIPO DE PROFESORES nuestros profesores son jóvenes, dinámicos y profesionales. Te explicaremos un poco más sobre ellos más adelante, en la sección CURSOS.

Últimas noticias de Taronja School

Con nuestros cursos puedes mejorar tu expresión oral y aprender de una forma divertida y amena cómo somos los españoles.

¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

Nuestros profesores 2
5 star rating
Une expérience et des rencontres inoubliables Taronja est une excellente école avec des professeurs qui aiment leur travail et une ambiance toujours joyeuse ! Située en plein centre de la ville, il y a de nombreuses choses à faire très proche sans compter les activités organisées tous les jours par l'école. C'est une excellente alternative pour celles et ceux qui souhaitent voyager seuls mais qui aiment la compagnie et les nouvelles rencontres. Les cours sont variés et ne durent pas trop de temps ce qui laissent du temps pour visiter et profiter de la vida espanola ! 🙂 J'y retourne pour une 3e et non dernière fois, je la conseille à quiconque aime apprendre les langues et est intéressé de découvrir la culture espagnole de manière différente qu'en étant un simple touriste !
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Eva S Avatar
Eva S
Entering the school through a beautiful massive and decorative door (on a street where you’d love to have your coffee and lunchbreaks), the inside will surprise you even more: an explosion of colours, art and atmosphere. And that’s what the teachers carry out too: such passion and enthusiasm. But the learning doesn’t stop as soon as class comes to an end. Taronja organises plenty of very fun, optional activities. In the afternoon, evening and even in the weekends. No chance to get bored here… I’m going to stay longer!
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وسام عبد الصمد Avatar
وسام عبد الصمد
The best language school ever. And I've been to a few to know.
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Jordan Cookson Avatar
Jordan Cookson
I just spent 11 weeks at Taronja and loved every minute of it. The classes were fun and engaging and my Spanish improved a lot. You have 2 different teachers each week so you get to experience different teaching styles, they also have activities 6 days a week so you have the chance to socialise outside of school hours and get to know the other students and teachers. I loved it that much that I’m going back for another 5 months in February, I couldn’t have asked for a better experience and would recommend this school to anyone who’s looking to learn Spanish and also meet lots of new people.
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Antonio Cinque Avatar
Antonio Cinque
The best spanish school you can find in Valencia : Lessons are formative and never boring, The school offers a weekly and always different programme of cultural and leisure activities that are very helpful to practice the language, discover the Spanish and Valencian culture and make new friends. Teachers are competent and very friendly, they will make you feel like in a family and soon they will become your friends! Personally i stayed 3 months in this school and not only i learned spanish, but i have shared lovely moments with great people i will always remember with affection. Vamos Taronja y gracias por todo!! ❤️
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5 star rating
diese Schule ist unglaublich vielseitig! Ich war für vier Wochen in Taronja zum Spanisch lernen. Und für mich war die Zeit in der Schule perfekt. Ich habe schnell und viel gelernt, die Lehrer sind offen, kompetent, hilfsbereit und haben Freude am Tun. Was die Schule für mich besonders gemacht hat, ist, dass sie einem Spanisch bei bringen, aber darüber hinaus auch viele Angebote zu Kultur und Leben stattfinden. Und ich hatte immer das Gefühl mit offenen Armen empfangen zu werden! Der perfekte Ort für einen Sprachurlaub.
Muchas gracias por el tiempo en su escuela! Vuelvo otra vez!
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GrandTour674533 Avatar
5 star rating
Very Worthwhile It's been 50 years since I went to 'school' and it was with much trepidation that I booked to go to the Taronja school. I had imagined that I would be the old man amongst youngsters in the class, but although I was the oldest there, I found we represented a good cross section of ages.
The first couple of hours in class was rather difficult, but that was because I felt a long way behind the other students regarding ability. There were 2 reasons for this, firstly the first subject of the day was about regular and irregular verbs, which is, at least for me and some of the others, difficult, but I soon began to make headway thanks to the excellent teacher. Secondly, I really should have attended the previous week as well; purely my mistake when I booked online.
When I look back at the week at the Taronja school and the amount I have learnt I am very impressed and I would go back for more but unfortunately it's a very long way from home and being a family man I just can't justify it but if it was within daily travelling distance I would be happy to spend many weeks there. I am considering using their online courses, but we'll see.
For anybody thinking about going to the Taronja school, just do it!
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Martin Haefliger Avatar
Martin Haefliger
Taronja is an excellent place to learn Spanish, the lessons are well prepared, interesting and full of surprise. There are also diversified social and cultural activities at a very moderate price. The school offers rooms in shared flats, what suited me best. Everybody is very helpful and sociable . Taronja is the perfect place for getting introduced into Spanish culture. It was my second time at Taronja and I shall come back!
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