Cursos de español online trimestrales

Cursos generales online desde principiantes hasta avanzados. Adaptados a todos los niveles, en los que se puede aprender español de forma rápida, flexible, eficaz y con todas los recursos a tu alcance.

Cursos de español online. Cursos trimestrales.
  • La duración de cada curso es de 4 a 12 semanas.
  • Todos los niveles: principiante, básico, intermedio y avanzado.
  • 24 lecciones: tendrás clases 2 días a la semana.
  • 6 clases de cultura: 2 veces al mes podrás disfrutar de nuestras Diverclases.
  • Suscripción al libro digital: refuerza tu aprendizaje con las explicaciones, ejercicios, vídeos y audios del libro digital.
  • Horario: Diferentes horarios de mañana y tarde disponibles.

5 razones para aprender español online con Taronja

Cinco razones para aprender español online

  • 2 lecciones en vivo cada semana con profesores nativos profesionales.
  • Escuela con más de 17 años de experiencia. Acreditada por el Instituto Cervantes.
  • Acceso gratuito a todas las Diverclases. 2 al mes. A continuación puede leer lo que es un Diverclase.
  • Área de recursos: disfruta de ejercicios, vídeos, explicaciones con tu libro digital.
  • Consigue tu certificado de español al final del curso.

Diseñado por profesionales

Aprende español con un programa académico diseñado y supervisado por profesionales.

Atención personalizada

Consulta con nuestros profesores cualquier duda. Si no te sientes cómodo, dínoslo y tendrás una tutoría.

Aumenta tu motivación

Esto no es una aplicación donde estás solo. ¡No querrás perderte ni una sola lección!

No hacemos falsas promesas

Aprender rápido un idioma es un proceso que depende de tus capacidades de aprendizaje, tu tiempo y tus ganas de estudiar. Pero nosotros sí que podemos ayudarte a conseguirlo.

Clases de español online. No estarás solo.

Memorizar listas de palabras es útil, pero lo importante es saber cómo y cuándo puedes utilizarlas. ¡Te ayudamos!

Curso de español online. Nuestros profesores

Profesores nativos experimentados

Aprende con expertos

Nuestros profesores tienen formación específica en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera. Tienen titulación universitaria y mucha experiencia enseñando online y en cursos presenciales.

Sube de nivel

Puedes ir aprendiendo desde un nivel principiante a uno avanzado con nosotros. ¡Muchos alumnos ya lo han conseguido!

Efecto total

Clases diseñadas para que aprendas gramática y mejores tu conversación. Divertidas, adictivas, no querrás perderte ninguna.


Al final de tu curso recibirás un certificado. Si quieres, también puedes hacer una examen oficial online (SIELE).

20% de descuento si haces el curso por primera vez


12 semanas
24 lecciones
6 clases de cultura


240€ -20%*


Suscripción anual

Principiante o
* 2 días a la semana
* 1 lección cada día
* Elige solo un horario
09:40 (hora española)
18:25 (hora española)
09:40 (hora española)
18:25 (hora española)
Intermedio o
* 2 días a la semana
* 1 lección cada día
* Elige solo un horario
09:40 (hora española)
18:25 (hora española)
09:40 (hora española)
18:25 (hora española)

Niveles del curso

Nuestros cursos se estructuran en torno a estos niveles. ¿No sabes qué curso es mejor para ti? Reserva una cita con nuestros profesores.



Palabras y frases básicas



Conversaciones del día a día



Interacciones simples



Hablar sobre temas complejos


¿Qué pasa si un día no puedo ir a clase?

Si no puede asistir a una clase debe avisar con 24 horas de antelación. Tu profesor grabará la clase y te la enviará para que la veas en los próximos 5 días.


¿Qué es una Diverclase?

Las Diverclases son una mezcla de actividad divertida + lección de español. Jugando y descubriendo aspectos fascinantes de la cultura hispana también seguirás estudiando nuestro idioma. Algunos de nuestros increíbles Diverclases son: Pinchadiscos, Leyendas y Misterios, Culturetas, Clase de cocina....


Condiciones generales.

  • Número máximo de estudiantes por clase 8, mínimo 4.
  • Duración de una lección:  50 minutos. Es necesario comprar una suscripción al libro digital para cada cambio de nivel.
  • Acceso gratuito a todas las Diverclases, mínimo 2 por semana. Más abajo puedes leer lo que es un Diverclase.
  • Si no puedes asistir a una clase tienes que avisar con 24 horas de antelación. Tu profesor grabará la clase y te la enviará para que la veas en los próximos 5 días.
  • No habrá clase los días festivos. Ofreceremos un precio especial en esos trimestres.

Suscripción anual al libro digital

Cursos de español online trimestrales 1
  • ¿Qué es una suscripción? Una suscripción es un pago único que te da acceso a todo el contenido del libro, asociado a tu nivel, durante un año.
  • ¿Qué contenidos encontraré? Encontrarás todos los contenidos que necesitas para seguir tu curso. Además, el precio incluye el acceso al libro de ejercicios, donde podrás practicar, autocorregirte y aprovechar al máximo tu suscripción.
  • Cuando termine el curso, ¿tendré acceso al libro? Sí, tu suscripción dura un año entero, a partir del día en que te inscribes. Durante este tiempo puedes entrar y disfrutar de todos los contenidos tantas veces como quieras. Incluso si ya no estás haciendo el curso con nosotros, puedes seguir consultando el libro y todos sus materiales.
  • ¿Cuál es la ventaja de comprar el libro digital y no el físico? Con el libro digital puedes acceder desde cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento a su contenido. También tienes acceso al libro de ejercicios del estudiante, que no está incluido en la versión en papel. Con el libro de ejercicios puedes reforzar, mejorar y acelerar mucho tu aprendizaje. ¡Y tienes acceso a su contenido durante todo un año!

¡Completa nuestro formulario!

Aprende español online y disfruta de un 20% de descuento si es la primera vez que haces el curso.

Política de privacidad / Privacy policy*

Incluido en el curso

  • 3 meses de duración.
  • 24 lecciones 240€ -20% = 192€.
  • Suscripción anual al libro digital 21€.
  • 6 clases de cultura.
  • Certificado al final del curso.

TOTAL 213€

Escuela de español Taronja. Acreditada por el Instituto CErvantes 1
Acreditado por el Instituto Cervantes
Cursos de español online trimestrales 2
Escuela de español Taronja. Reseñas de google.
google reviews

¿Cuál es tu nivel de español?

Haz el test para descubrir qué curso es el más apto para ti.

Cursos de español online trimestrales 3

¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

Cursos de español online trimestrales 4
Becky111 Avatar
5 star rating
A beautiful school with helpful staff I am just back from a week in Valencia studying Spanish at Taronja School. This is a beautiful boutique school. The team at reception are helpful and I loved their speed in replying to emails - they are very good at that. Prior to my visit, as I was travelling solo, I asked questions about the school, the lessons, the type of classes and ages as I was looking for something suitable to over 30 y/o, the accommodation, additional dates and Valencia in general and they were always happy to answer at the speed of light! They are very good at that and it helps when you are in front of your computer, you are tryng to book a flight and you need a quick answer.
The school
Right in the middle of the city centre, great location, near bars, coffee shops, restaurants, metro, bus, taxis, everything really. The entrance is quite understated, the school is located at the first floor of a building. Every class is decorated differently and all have air-con whichis great at this time of the year, when the tempretaure in Valencia is above 32 degree celsius everyday.
All the teachers I had this week were very nice (Isabel, Manu, Sonia), friendly, helpful and they really ensured that we learnt from this experience. The teaching is not based on any book, we were provided with a handout and additional pages during the week to cover the areas which we were going to explore during each lesson. All lessons are interactive with plenty of opportunity to ask 'preguntas' (questions). Internet is used in the school by the teachers to explain words or provide images and other digital tools are also used to write as a board (instead of the out of fashion board and marker). Classes are small, I was in a class of 9. I know that some of the people I met there were in classes of 6 so the classes are of a reasonable small size which is good and allows the teacher to provide full attention to all. Classes last 50 minutes each. You would usually have 2 teachers a day, one for the first two hours of 50 mins each and the second for the remaining 2 hours of 50 mins each.
Oh yes, once you get to your class forget your language as all the teachers will speak to you in Spanish only, which is fine and correct in the approach as you are there to learn Spanish. However, if you are totally unable to understand a meaning of a word or a sentence they will try to tell you the equivalent in English or Italian or French to heelp you.
You may have a T1 or T2 programme. T1 - Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning classes, Tuesday and Thursday afternoon class. T2 - the other way round. I had a T1.
If you want to go to museums or go shopping it may be worth booking some additional days in Valencia so that you will have entire days to visit them as it is a little difficult when you have classes in the morning or the afternoon, you would just be rushing around and the majority of the museums close at 13:00 for the day or some reopen at 16:00 but only few of them.
Weekly activities
I did not participate in all the activities as some were aimed at the younger crowd (I'm not old, just in my early 30s but what may be fun for a 17/18 y/o may be less fun for a 30 y/o - however, it is always great to mix with all ages) but the ones I participated in were the following:
Noche the tapas - Monday:
A little bar not far from the school (can't remember the name) with seats outside-only. One drink included with your 'tapa' but you could not choose which tapas to go for as you were given what came from the kitchen so it was more about luck. I was fine as I am not allergic to any food but one of the girls in my group was allergic to dairy products and she got a ham and Cheese croquette which she could not eat so I and the rest of the group helped her what are friends for!!!
Fiesta de bienvenida con paella - Tuesday
This party for all newcomers was a great idea, a great opportunity to meet other students and the teachers, in a location near the beach. We all met in front of the school and then we all went to the metro, we all bought tickets and then we got to the other end and got the tram, then we walked a bit and got to the location of this bar. The idea per se is very nice but I think more can be done in relation to the place where the 'fiesta' takes place. The bar was just a little run down, the drinks were cheap but we all complained about the quality of them. The Sangria tasted bad, the white wine we wondered why it was sold with ice (?) and tasted bad anyway, a mojito was prepared from a mixer so forget mint leaves, brown sugar etc there was none of that so it didn't taste like a mojito but like something with a little bit of rum and the chupitos (shot) were of an unknown taste. The paella was nice, there was a meat and a vegetarian option.
The music was ok, some was from the 90s (not a problem for those over 30 y/o!) but generally fine.
I think Taronja should consider other options when organising this party in terms of the bar and the quality of the service provided by the bar. The idea of the party is great but the bar 'not so great'.
Noche de Orchata and historia - Wednesday
The Horchata is a typical Valencian drink made with chufas. It looks milky but it's not as it is made of a root (I think). It tastes nice, it is very sweet and it is supposed to be had with fartons which to me are like sweet light bread, to be dipped in the Horchata.
We all met in front of the school with Vito (he is a cool man!) and walked to Mercado de Colon to taste the Horchata, oh, yes, with a little bit of history of some buildings in between. There are several bars were you can have the Horchata in the Mercado so we did not all have to be in the same location. I think we sat in 'Daniel', it was ok.
There were other activities organised by Taronja during the remaining days but I and some others opted out and did our own thing!
30Hood - group for 30+ y/o - great concept and a WhatsApp group was created for 30hood to share ideas, activities etc. However, may be Taronja could consider putting together some activities which may be suitable for those in their 30s? Just a thought
I booked a single room with the school. Taronja provided all the details, map etc of the school, very good service. I had to pick up the keys from a specific location, a beautiful yellow building nowhere near a metro station so you could either come out of Angel Aguillera metro and walk to the building (about 15 minutes walk) or get the taxi service provided by the school at 55 euros or also get a taxi from the aiport which should cost about 25, 26 euros.
When I got to the building I was given the keys for the house and my room and some bedsheets. I was based in Ruzafa. I waited for a taxi which took me to Ruzafa and costed just over 6 euros. My room was beautiful, large, massive window, double bed, a wordrobe, a sofa a big table for at least 4 people, 4 chairs, 2 side tables and lamps. The only issue was the lack of a fan. Valencia is extremely warm in this period and I believe that fans should be provided. Although the room was big the heat made nights and even the the day uncomfortable. A fan or air con should be provided.
My room was quite big but I had a look at that of my other flat-mate/student, I think it was half the size of mine and not very spacious, there was also another room which was an inbetween size. I think I was lucky with the room but I guess what you get may depend on availability.
The apartment had 5 rooms but only 3 were in use, there was no leaving room which was a shame as we had to stand in the corridor to have a chat. The kitchen was very small and would have been impractical if all rooms were taken and all were using the kitchen at once. Luckily it never happened!
The apartment had 2 bathrooms which was quite good and we never queued. However, one of the locks in one of the batrooms didn't work so you had to ensure that you made people aware that you were in there - not an issue though although may be it is best if this is repaired.
Ruzafa is a very nice area for bars, restaurants and there is a nice covered market, Mercado De Ruzafa where you can buy fruit, veg, meat and fish. It is smaller than the central market and there is no sit down bar/restaurant inside of the one in Ruzafa but it is equally good.
The apartment was at a 15 minutes walk to the school, the distance was ok or you could take a bus, line 7, to Xativa which is 1 minute away from the school and the center of Valencia or 2 minutes from Placa de Ayuntamento.
All in a all a great school and I had a great time!!! The teachers are great and the staff at reception are lovely and helpful.
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Sabina Olijve Avatar
Sabina Olijve
La mejor escuela de español! Quiero volver!�
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Roy R Avatar
Roy R
It's been 50 years since I went to 'school' and it was with much trepidation that I booked to go to the Taronja school. I had imagined that I would be the old man amongst youngsters in the class, but although I was the oldest there, I found we represented a good cross section of ages. The first couple of hours in class was rather difficult, but that was because I felt a long way behind the other students regarding ability. There were 2 reasons for this, firstly the first subject of the day was about regular and irregular verbs, which is, at least for me and some of the others, difficult, but I soon began to make headway thanks to the excellent teacher. Secondly, I really should have attended the previous week as well; purely my mistake when I booked online. When I look back at the week at the Taronja school and the amount I have learnt I am very impressed and I would go back for more but unfortunately it's a very long way from home and being a family man I just can't justify it but if it was within daily travelling distance I would be happy to spend many weeks there. I am considering using their online courses, but we'll see. For anybody thinking about going to the Taronja school, just do it!
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Lucia Angrisani Avatar
Lucia Angrisani
Profesores fantásticos, locations super bien....Todo perfecto!!!
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Lockito90 Avatar
5 star rating
Wonderful experience I attended the intensive course for 2 weeks with my girlfriend, it was an amazing experience! The school offers Spanish courses with great teachers and a lot of different activities (every day) to meet people from all over the world and do mucha fiesta!!
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Caitriona Cuddy Avatar
Caitriona Cuddy
I would highly recommend this language school, with its competent teachers who are innovative and interested in their students. The material used is always of an excellent standard. The school has two bright buildings and there is a calendar of events each week both for students attending and those taking classes online.
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Jordan Cookson Avatar
Jordan Cookson
I just spent 11 weeks at Taronja and loved every minute of it. The classes were fun and engaging and my Spanish improved a lot. You have 2 different teachers each week so you get to experience different teaching styles, they also have activities 6 days a week so you have the chance to socialise outside of school hours and get to know the other students and teachers. I loved it that much that I’m going back for another 5 months in February, I couldn’t have asked for a better experience and would recommend this school to anyone who’s looking to learn Spanish and also meet lots of new people.
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Oli G. Avatar
Oli G.
I was a student at Toronja for 2 weeks & really recommend it. The teachers are all really motivated to help the students learn Spanish. There is also positive atmosphere around the place which helps you to study in a relaxed environment. The extra circular activities are a great way to meet other students outside of lessons (especially paella night!) There are also optional interactive lessons during the afternoon where you learn things ranging from Spanish dance to how to cook Spanish food. I would definitely recommend this school & will be going back there to study myself for 2 months. Muchas gracias a todos y nos vemos pronto!
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