¿Cuándo usamos el Pretérito perfecto o indefinido en español?

Una de las dificultades comunes entre los estudiantes de español es saber diferenciar cuándo usar el Pretérito Perfecto y el Indefinido.


Usamos el “Pretérito Perfecto” cuando hablamos de acciones o cosas relacionadas con el presente: el día, la semana, el mes, la Navidad. Por ejemplo:

He trabajado mucho esta semana / I have worked a lot this week.

“Esta semana”, todavía no ha acabado la semana.


Usamos el “Indefinido” cuando no estamos hablando de acciones o cosas relacionadas con el presente: un día, una semana, un mes, una Navidad, en 1984, esa vez, ayer. (La información no está relacionada con el presente. Se termina)

¿Cuándo usamos el Pretérito perfecto o indefinido en español? 1
Spanish lessons, pretérito indefinido

Algunas palabras que nos indican el uso del “Pretérito Perfecto” son:

  • Hoy.
  • A las 4, a las 6.
  • Esta mañana, Esta tarde, Esta semana.
  • Este mes, Este año.
  • Este invierno, Este otoño.
  • Todavía no, aun no, ya.
  • Hasta ahora.
  • En mi vida.
  • Nunca.
  • Por fin.
  • Siempre.
  • ¿Alguna vez? / ¿Cuántas veces?

The common signal words that indicate the “Indefinido” are:

  • Ayer, Anteayer. 
  • El otro día.
  • Anoche, Anteanoche.
  • La semana pasada.
  • El mes, el año pasado.
  • En + año/mes.
  • Hace+ cantidad de tiempo + que + indefinido.

Aprende español con Taronja School

Con nuestros cursos de español puedes mejorar tu expresión oral y aprender de una forma divertida y amena cómo somos los españoles.

¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

¿Cuándo usamos el Pretérito perfecto o indefinido en español? 3
Sarah T Avatar
Sarah T
My experience with Taronja School in Valencia was a positive one without any exception. The teachers were very well-trained and well-prepared, the lessons in perfect-sized groups interesting as well as creatively organized and the activities varied, informative and entertaining. Furthermore the school offers a library as well as some DVDs to practice your spanish at home. Regarding any wish or request the employees of Taronja were more than willing to assist or to help. They were constantly trying their best to keep their students happy and satisfied. I highly recommend Taronja to everybody who wants to learn spanish in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere with a lot of professionals to help you to reach your highest personal results in this new language.
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Floor de Laat Avatar
Floor de Laat
Taronja is a really nice school to learn Spanish. I would definitely recommend this when you are looking for a opportunity to study Spanish in Spain. The atmosphere is very chill and friendly, teachers like teaching and helping you. They also offer lots of fun activities everyday which you can participate in voluntarily. This helps you in meeting so many new people. I really enjoyed my time at Taronja, and I would like to return if I can 😉
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Elena Avatar
I love this school! During my seven weeks at Taronja I’ve learned a lot (I hope I’ll remember all those verbos irregulares!). The lessons were very well organized, easy to understand and highly communicative, so even with my basic level of Spanish I could participate in all discussions and do the tasks. The teachers and the staff are great: young, friendly, creative and ready to help with everything! Most of the students are under 30, but there are a lot of learners over 45-50 like me, so I felt absolutely comfortable. We really had fun together at different events and activities, organized by the school every week: parties, excursions, dancing and cooking masterclasses or just picnics in the park. Valencia is a great place to visit and Taronja is the right place to study Spanish there!
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Diego Bogni Avatar
Diego Bogni
I have been to Taronja School for four weeks during June/July and I really enjoyed it. The professors are all young and well prepared. The teaching methodology is very good. The proposed activities were good and permits you to meet people from foreign countries and improve your language skills. I recommend it 🙂
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Clemente Antonio Avatar
Clemente Antonio
Chicos y chicas, os aconsejo esta escuela. ¡Es Genial!
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5 star rating
MEJOR ESCUELA DE ESPAÑOL EN VALENCIA! Estuve en taronja durante cinco semanas completamente sola, fue mi primera experiencia de viaje en solitaria. A ver, yo compartía un piso con 5 chicos procedentes de todo el mundo, por eso nunca me sentí realmente sola, las clases son extructuradas muy bien, los profes competentes, cada día hay actividades diferentes muy baratas/ gratuidas y muy divertidas,las mejores fiestas en la playa. Por cualquier duda son disponibles en ayudarte, si tienes un problema tratan resolver, personas estupendas, siempre piden opiniones de los estudiantes para mejorar el servicio. Lo único mejorable son los pisos, mi alojamiento tenía la ventana frente a las tuberías de alcantarillado, por eso olía muy mal...no es culpa de ellos, los edificios en Valencia son todos muy viejos, solo tenéis que tener suerte con los pisos aja y ellos podrían seleccionarlos un poco más, y no alquilar los pejores (otros amigos míos se lamentaban de eso..) Por lo demás, experiencia total, muy aconsejada, es dinero muy bien gastado, seguro te la vas a pasar bien. Siete dei fighi, bravi!
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Daire Fallon Avatar
Daire Fallon
I did a 3 week summer Spanish course in the school.
I highly recommend. I'm a teacher myself and was very impressive by the communicative methods and the quality of the teaching.
The school offers a wonderful Co curricular programme and we really enjoyed the activities, including a tapas crawl and lots of cultural events plus a beach party.
Totally recommended.
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5 star rating
No Regrets! Ero alla ricerca di un'esperienza estiva differente, qualcosa che potesse permettermi di accrescere il mio bagaglio culturale e perché no di crescere, conoscere gente migliorare una lingua che sempre mi ha affascinato, così ho deciso: me ne vado in Spagna, a Valencia (ne ho sentito parlare così tanto che mi son detto devo assolutamente andarci). Così inizio la mia ricerca di scuole, ne vedo un pò inizio a fare le prime indagini perché comunque si vuol sempre andare in un posto che ti faccia star bene, ne vedo una, due però nessuna che mi abbia fatto scattare la "scintilla" finché non mi imbatto nella scuola TARONJA, inizio a visitare il loro sito a leggere un pò di recensioni cosi li contatto, è che dire i piccoli dettagli fanno la differenza, assistenza e cordialità fin da subito, dalla prima email è cosi ho deciso che è qui che avrei passato le mie 2 settimane. Un'esperienza stupenda che porterò sempre con me, che non vedo l'ora di ripetere il prima possibile. In Taronja si respira un ambiente familiare, tutto lo staff è sempre disponibile, simpatico e meritano un sentito complimento. I prof sono tutti giovani quindi imparare e migliorarsi diventa molto più facile. Cosa fondamentale sono le attività organizzate dalla scuola avrete sempre qualcosa da fare e non è mai qualcosa di noioso! Sono felicissimo della mia scelta!
Hasta pronto Taronja!
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