El modo imperativo en español

El modo imperativo se utiliza para dar ordenes, instrucciones o consejos.

El modo imperativo en español.
  • Dar órdenes: “Roberto, pon la mesa, por favor”.
  • Dar instrucciones: “Primero introduzca la moneda, después marque el número”.
  • Ofrecer algo: “Coge más tarta”.
  • Dar consejos: “Si bebes, no conduzcas”.

Formas del modo imperativo

Verbos regulares


Verbos irregulares

A) Verbos con la misma irregularidad que el presente de indicativo:


B) Verbos totalmente irregulares:

(vosotros) DecidHacedIdosPonedSalidSedTenedVenidOídSabed
(ustedes) Digan HaganVáyanse Pongan Salgan Sean Tengan Vengan Oigan Sepan

En este vídeo, el gran chef Nando y nuestra jefa de estudios, Jenny, te van a enseñar más sobre el modo imperativo.


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El modo imperativo en español 1

Aprende español con Taronja School

Con nuestros cursos de español puedes mejorar tu expresión oral y aprender de una forma divertida y amena cómo somos los españoles.

¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

El modo imperativo en español 3
5 star rating
diese Schule ist unglaublich vielseitig! Ich war für vier Wochen in Taronja zum Spanisch lernen. Und für mich war die Zeit in der Schule perfekt. Ich habe schnell und viel gelernt, die Lehrer sind offen, kompetent, hilfsbereit und haben Freude am Tun. Was die Schule für mich besonders gemacht hat, ist, dass sie einem Spanisch bei bringen, aber darüber hinaus auch viele Angebote zu Kultur und Leben stattfinden. Und ich hatte immer das Gefühl mit offenen Armen empfangen zu werden! Der perfekte Ort für einen Sprachurlaub.
Muchas gracias por el tiempo en su escuela! Vuelvo otra vez!
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Jack Lee Avatar
Jack Lee
Amazing intensive course, great online course too. Upbeat & interactive lessons and friendly staff, thank you to Jenny and the team. Legendary social program - meticulously organised, you will never be bored. I spoke no Spanish prior, then learnt tons with Taronja, whilst having tons of fun too! The worst bit is when you have to leave... I'll be trying studying Spanish with a different school in London where I live now, (only because I want to study in person with a bigger group again), but whatever school I pick has a lot to live up to... Taronja was one of the best things I ever spent my money on - I'll probably go back someday!
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Yulia Y
5 star rating
??? Los profesores ‍‍ de la escuela son muy profesionales. Así como la administración (reception). El equipo dinámico y creativo.
Las classes & actividades son variadas y interesantes.
Gracias a ellos, ahora hablo español
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sorinbalasioiu Avatar
5 star rating
Great experience I went to this solo for 1 week. I wanted to try it first and then extend to 2 more weeks.
(when you extend you need to do it early in the week or risk all spots getting full)
Complete beginner intensive course, I was in a class of 7 people of various ages.
4 young teachers - enthusiastic and made the classes fun. When you have 4 hours (with 1 break of 20m) it's a good thing to make them fun, otherwise you will get bored and lose focus.
I can't say much about if the structure of the lessons was optimal or not, it worked for me, I was able to speak with people for a little bit after only one week without studying extra at home.
And again, they make it fun, if they just give you the top 100 verbs and conjugation for all of them and ask you to repeat them for 4 hours - it might be more effective but it would bore you to tears and you could easily do that on your own.
The best part for me was also to meet different people there from all over the world. The school has daily extra activities that you can optionally attend to and there you get to meet them.
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5 star rating
Ottima scuola per studenti stranieri che vogliono imparare lo spagnolo In soggiorno a Valencia abbiamo approfittato per far svolgere un corso di 2 settimane a mia figlia che voleva approfondire il suo spagnolo. Consigliatami da amici si è rivelata una proficua esperienza. Ho parlato con gli insegnanti che fin da subito ho trovato gentili e disponibili. Mia figlia mi ha riferito che l'ambiente e il personale sono molto accoglienti. Gli insegnanti sono coinvolgenti e qualificati, oltre alla didattica partecipano alle attività organizzate della scuola. Ha avuto l'opportunità di conoscere persone da tutto il mondo e migliorare il suo spagnolo in poco tempo divertendosi. È stata un'esperienza molto positiva, infatti questa estate ci ritornerà ed io ne approfitterò per rifare un bel viaggio.
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Freddy DeTomato Avatar
Freddy DeTomato
If you want to learn Spanish with professionals and having fun at the same time...Taronja is the place to be!!! 😉
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Shirley Verbruggen Avatar
Shirley Verbruggen
Amazing school! Learned a lot here, even more than at my own school in The Netherlands. Love the way they teach and how they interact with you. Always small groups of different levels so it’s easier to learn. Many nationalities and a lot of motivated and happy people study here 🙂
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وسام عبد الصمد Avatar
وسام عبد الصمد
The best language school ever. And I've been to a few to know.
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