Diferencias entre “ser” y “estar”

Diferencias entre “ser” y “estar”: domina estos verbos

Hoy nos embarcamos en una aventura lingüística para desentrañar los misterios de dos verbos españoles que a menudo desconciertan a los estudiantes: ‘ser’ y ‘estar’.

Differences between Ser and Estar

Estos verbos, que en inglés se traducen como ‘to be’, son el dúo carismático de la lengua española. Pero no te preocupes. Estamos aquí para descifrar sus diferencias y usos, y añadir algunos ejercicios y pruebas divertidos para que tu viaje de aprendizaje sea tan agradable como un paseo por las vibrantes calles de Valencia.

1.Entiende el uso de ‘Ser’

Ser” es como los cimientos de un edificio: se utiliza para describir atributos permanentes o duraderos. Es el verbo que trata de la esencia de las cosas. Aquí es donde se utiliza “ser”:

  • Identidad: “Yo soy Juan”.
  • Origen: “Ella es de España”.
  • Tiempo: “Son las ocho”.
  • Características: “El cielo es azul”.

2. Entiende el uso de ‘Estar’

“Estar”, en cambio, es el verbo del cambio y la condición. Es como los colores cambiantes del cielo a lo largo del día. Utiliza ‘estar’ para:

  • Localización: “Estoy en la escuela”.
  • Estados temporales: “Estás cansado”.
  • Emociones: “Estamos felices”.
  • Acciones en curso (tiempos progresivos); “Están comiendo”.

3. Ser vs. Estar: La confusión se aclara

A veces, elegir entre “ser” y “estar” puede cambiar por completo el significado de una frase. Por ejemplo:

  • “Eres aburrido” (You are boring – una característica) vs. “Estás aburrido” (You are bored – un estado temporal).
  • “Es seguro” (It’s safe – una cualidad permanente) vs. “Está seguro” (It’s safe – una condición temporal).
  • “Soy feliz”. Normalmente, suelo ser feliz (olvidemos los malos momentos).
  • “Estoy feliz”. Por el momento, ahora me siento feliz, después de haberlo pasado mal, o independientemente de si mañana seré igual de feliz o si, por el contrario, una piedra en el camino…

4. Consejos para dominarlo

  • Recuerda, ‘ser’ es para lo que algo es, y ‘estar’ es para cómo algo es.
  • Utilice recursos mnemotécnicos. Para ‘ser’, piensa en DOCTOR (Descripción, Ocupación, Características, Tiempo, Origen, Relación). Para “estar”, recuerda PLACE (Posición, Localización, Acción, Condición, Emoción).
  • ¡Practica, practica, practica!


Dominar las diferencias entre “ser” y “estar” es como aprender a bailar: requiere práctica, pero una vez que lo consigas, fluirás con el ritmo de la lengua española sin esfuerzo. Sigue practicando, mantén la curiosidad y, lo más importante, ¡diviértete!

¡Hasta luego!

Ejercicios prácticos

1. Rellena los huecos

¡Es tu turno! Rellena los espacios en blanco con la forma correcta de los verbos SER o ESTAR.

2. Rellena los huecos

Completemos las siguientes frases con las formas de SER o ESTAR en pretérito perfecto, pretérito indefinido o pretérito imperfecto.

3. Agrupar por importancia

Agrupa los siguientes atributos en “ser” o “estar”.

¿Cuál es tu nivel de español?

Haz el test para descubrir qué curso es el más apto para ti.

Diferencias entre "ser" y "estar" 1

Aprende español con Taronja School

Con nuestros cursos de español puedes mejorar tu expresión oral y aprender de una forma divertida y amena cómo somos los españoles.

¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

Diferencias entre "ser" y "estar" 3
Ksenia_shinshilla Avatar
5 star rating
Great school of Spanish language Several years ago I've studied at Taronja school for 2 weeks and it was a great time that I still remember. The teachers were enthusiastic and spent a lot of time with there students not only in classes but also during extracurricular activities. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot in just 2 weeks in Valencia. I still remember this great time and I would love to come back to the beautiful city of Valencia and this wonderful school!
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Daniel Olsson Avatar
Daniel Olsson
I learned a lot, had a great amount of fun and gained new friends during my two weeks in Taronja. The school offers a lot of fun activities which I would recommend anyone to participate in. The personnel are very helpful with any questions you might have. The teachers I had were great. It was learning based on a lot of interactions and dialogs as it should be. I will definitely come back for more studies and adventures with Taronja.
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David E Avatar
David E
5 star rating
A very enjoyable place to learn Spanish I have just finished a two week intensive course at Escuela Taronja and am already missing it. I am at an early intermediate level and the experience of the last two weeks have boosted my confidence and stretched my knowledge so much. I was a little intimidated by the idea of being middle aged and out of my comfort zone but the school is so supportive, inclusive all all ages and quick to ensure that you are in a class at the right level. I would encourage anyone going to the school to jump in with both feet and take up all the various social opportunities that are on offer,,they were great fun and I met some new friends that I hope to
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5 star rating
Ottima scuola per studenti stranieri che vogliono imparare lo spagnolo In soggiorno a Valencia abbiamo approfittato per far svolgere un corso di 2 settimane a mia figlia che voleva approfondire il suo spagnolo. Consigliatami da amici si è rivelata una proficua esperienza. Ho parlato con gli insegnanti che fin da subito ho trovato gentili e disponibili. Mia figlia mi ha riferito che l'ambiente e il personale sono molto accoglienti. Gli insegnanti sono coinvolgenti e qualificati, oltre alla didattica partecipano alle attività organizzate della scuola. Ha avuto l'opportunità di conoscere persone da tutto il mondo e migliorare il suo spagnolo in poco tempo divertendosi. È stata un'esperienza molto positiva, infatti questa estate ci ritornerà ed io ne approfitterò per rifare un bel viaggio.
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Stefano Maioglio Avatar
Stefano Maioglio
Simply the best Spanish school in Valencia and probably in Spain! Amazing teachers and incredible activities! In 2019 they won the ESL price for the best activities program all over Spain!
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Alexandra  Utkina Avatar
Alexandra Utkina
Pasé en Taronja dos semanas inolvidables aprendiendo español con mejores profes entre los estudiantes de todo el mundo. Buena ubicación, ambiente amistoso, actividades interesantes para todos los gustos. Me encantaría volver este año.
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Anthony Baxter Avatar
Anthony Baxter
Really impressed with the friendly and inclusive school vibe and the standard of the lessons. They were very attentive to students of all ages. The school facilities provided all the needs of the students to a high standard with areas to relax in comfort, study and resources for use in class and independent learning. During my week long taster I was able to attend 3 evening social events that were great fun and very reasonably priced. I will definitely return later this year for an extended period of time to develop my Spanish further.
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Eren T Avatar
Eren T
I have had a great experience with Taronja. Last year, I tried learning Spanish for 2 months and I came back this year to improve my Spanish. The school has a very helpful staff who goes above & beyond to help with all you need. Almost all the students I talked to at school never wanted to leave if they had the option to stay. They have daily activities so you can get to know a lot people and find out more about Spain (cuisine, museums, history and much more). My favorite one has been the paella parties that happen every Tuesday. Especially when they happen at the beach. I also liked the bachata/salsa lessons a lot! All the activities are very well priced so the students don't have any excuse to miss them. Big shoutout to Stefano and her team for all the amazing activities. There are a variety of instructors with different backgrounds which helped me learn about different cultures without visiting their cities or countries. They are all super helpful when you have questions during the classes. The school also offers variety of accommodation options such as staying with other students in the heart of Valencia or staying with a Spanish family. This is a great opportunity to get the know new people if you are new to the city. Elena was able to help me with all my requests from the first day until today. Overall, I recommend Taronja without any doubt to anyone who wants to learn Spanish, explore Valencia, and more importantly have fun! 🙂
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