Diferencias entre LLEVAR y TRAER

Los verbos «llevar» y «traer» se refieren a “mover a una persona o a una cosa de un sitio a otro”. Para explicaros la diferencia entre uno y otro vamos a hacerlo pensando en cómo nos relacionamos con el espacio que nos rodea, si nos acercamos a o nos alejamos de los objetos o personas de las que hablamos y dónde nos situamos. ¿Preparados? Ahí va: LLEVAR: Conducir algo desde el lugar en el que se encuentra o se sitúa mentalmente el hablante a otro lugar que está alejado. Se usa con el adverbio de lugar ALLÍ.

Pequeño truco: MUÉVETE o IMAGINA que te mueves/desplazas al lugar del que estás hablando para “llevar” algo/a alguien. (O que lo hace el sujeto de la acción)

    •  María, tienes que llevar estos zapatos allí. No puedes dejarlos en el suelo, guárdalos en la caja roja que está en la otra habitación.  (MARÍA SE MUEVE PARA LLEVAR LOS ZAPATOS A LA OTRA HABITACIÓN)
    •  ¿Puedes llevar a Carla a la escuela hoy? Ya es tarde y yo no puedo. (TE PIDE QUE TE MUEVAS PARA LLEVAR A LA NIÑA A LA ESCUELA)
TRAER: Conducir o trasladar algo al lugar en donde se habla o de que se habla. Se usa con el adverbio de lugar AQUÍ.

Pequeño truco: NO TE MUEVAS o IMAGINA que NO te mueves/NI desplazas: ese “algo” o ese “alguien” viene a donde estás tú (o el sujeto al que nos referimos)

  • ¿Puedes traerme los libros aquí, por favor? Así me los puedo leer en cuanto acabe de hacer este trabajo. (YO NO ME MUEVO, EL LIBRO VIENE A MÍ)
  • Si vienes a la fiesta trae a tu hermana a la fiesta que seguro que se lo pasa muy bien con nosotros. (YO NO ME MUEVO, LA HERMANA DE MI AMIGO ES LA QUE SE MUEVE PARA VENIR A LA FIESTA)
Y ahora te lo ponemos un poquito más difícil… Te dejamos otro ejemplo, en el que se utilizan los dos verbos a la vez. Ejemplo: La situación de esta conversación es la siguiente: Ana está en su casa y habla por teléfono con su amiga, María. -Hola, María. Esta noche celebro mi cumpleaños. Hago una cena en mi casa y me gustaría invitarte. -Claro Ana, me encantará ir ¿a qué hora es? -A las ocho y media. -¿LLEVO algo? ¿Comida, vino? – Bueno no es necesario, pero si quieres… ¡vale! TRAE algo de beber, vino o cerveza me parece bien. Esperamos que a partir de ahora os quede claro cuándo usar el verbo «traer» y cuándo usar el verbo «llevar». Buena semana a todos ; )

Aprende español con Taronja School

Con nuestros cursos de español puedes mejorar tu expresión oral y aprender de una forma divertida y amena cómo somos los españoles.

¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

Diferencias entre LLEVAR y TRAER 2
TatevikMar Avatar
5 star rating
Intensiv course spanish Spent a wonderful week here and met wonderful people. All teachers are extremely friendly and courteous. Thanks for everything<3
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Timothy Lalonde Avatar
Timothy Lalonde
Actually, learning Spanish is just my excuse to visit Taronja! Not only a language school, but a language experience! Beautiful people, beautiful classrooms, fun lessons, continuous and exciting cultural events, and in the coolest city in Spain!
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5 star rating
much more than a school Die Schule ist sehr zentral gelegen. Ich fühlte mich von Anfang an rundum wohl. Die Gestaltung der Räume hat mich sehr angesprochen. Alle Mitarbeiter machten einen sehr zufriedenen Eindruck und der Ablauf war sehr gut organisiert. Mein Lernerfolg war nach zwei Wochen höher als in einer vergleichbaren Schule. Die Leher und Lehrerinnen waren engagiert und jeder konnte seine Talente mit einbringen. Sie arbeiten nicht mit einem Arbeitsbuch sondern haben ein eigenes Konzept und eigene Skripte. Neben dem Unterricht wurden tolle Aktivitäten angeboten. Ich komme wieder.
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Brenda Severin Avatar
Brenda Severin
Dear Taronja, Allow me to express my gratitude to you all. This last month has been a quiet a journey for me and I am grateful to learn and grow alongside incredible souls. A huge thank you to all my teachers and the whole team at Taronja for your dedication and commitment. To my teachers, I know I have not been the easiest student but you guys are awesome. Thank you for your patience, encouragement and guidance ( especially Nestor & Micaela 🤍 ). I am going back home more bold and I will definitely continue to work on my Spanish skills. To my fellow students, you are definitely at the right school. It was pleasant to meet some of you and enjoy your stay in Valencia. Thank you Jenny and Andres for making my classes possible. See you for sure next time. Love Brenda Ps. Next time I will write in Spanish 🙏🏽
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Eva S Avatar
Eva S
Entering the school through a beautiful massive and decorative door (on a street where you’d love to have your coffee and lunchbreaks), the inside will surprise you even more: an explosion of colours, art and atmosphere. And that’s what the teachers carry out too: such passion and enthusiasm. But the learning doesn’t stop as soon as class comes to an end. Taronja organises plenty of very fun, optional activities. In the afternoon, evening and even in the weekends. No chance to get bored here… I’m going to stay longer!
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Linda KH Avatar
Linda KH
I took classes at Taronja for three weeks in October and can highly recommend the school. I cannot imagine there being a better school. I scouted for months before making the decision and was so glad I had chosen Taronja. There are several points which make it such a good school. - the highly motivated and friendly teachers - there effort at getting everyone to speak Spanish only, which of course speeds up your acqusition of the language - the extracurricular activities are not only interesting, but help increase your language skills and keep you busy (if you are alone, it's nice to have something to keep you active especially the first week when you don't know your way around yet) I will definitely take more classes here. I recommend saving yourself all the time needed for researching the internet. You have made the right decision with Taronja! My greetings to everyone there. Linda
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David S. Avatar
David S.
The school is located in the center of the city and easy to reach by public transportation or by walking. Everybody at the office is friendly and very helpful, they listen and understand your needs. They help you not only with school stuff but also with the matters of daily life and culture. Teachers are always prepared for the classes and they teach with an effective fun way. They understand your level and find out a way to make you understand and learn in a supportive way. Modern methods like internet and interactive whiteboard are used during the classes , which make the lessons flow easily. Grammar , reading, conversation, listening are well balanced. In a week different teachers are teaching in any given class that provides different styles, techniques and accents. Besides regular classes there are more classes to choose from ( like conversation ) according to one’s needs. Every week there are some activities, day trips and social gatherings so one can learn and experience more about the culture. The timetable of classes is constantly rotating hereby assigning a morning class on a day and an afternoon class on another day. Altogether it makes learning Spanish and Spanish culture easy, fun and effective process. Additionally Valencia is a very beautiful city with lovely locals. The city offers almost everything. Thank you all so much.
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tigerb736 Avatar
5 star rating
Intensive course for 3 weeks I went to Taronja as an almost beginner in Spanish and after three weeks I think I’ve made such an improvement but I’ve also learnt so much about different cultures and I think it has been an amazing experience.
I stayed in one of the school’s shared apartments with 4-5 other students from the school all of different nationalities and we were from the age of 18-26 and that was one of things that made my time there so special because you make such deep special bonds with other people in the same situation as you.
Over the three weeks the teachers were so engaging and welcoming along with the interns. There were multiple times where after activities we’d go to a bar or get some food and you felt so welcome and they were all so enthusiastic. In lessons each teacher found a different way to make sure you were taking in everything and the lessons were always fun. They also had a massive focus on conversation which was so helpful.
At the school there was such a range of ages and nationalities but I think we all came together really well through all of the amazing activities. My favourites were the excursions and the paella parties but all of them are worth doing as they improve your Spanish and give you opportunities to meet new people.
Thank you so much Taronja for the experience
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