Diferencias entre DECIR, CONTAR, HABLAR

Con estos verbos expresamos acciones relacionadas con la comunicación. En esta lección de español, os contamos las principales diferencias. 

Verbo Hablar
1. “Articular palabras” (capacidad de hablar)

Ejemplo:     – Me duele la garganta. Casi  no puedo hablar.

2. “Conversar con alguien”

Ejemplos: – Mañana hablamos, ¿vale?
                                     – He hablado con tu profesor de tus notas.

*ATENCIÓN: Observa que “hablar” es un verbo intransitivo, es decir, no necesita un “objeto directo”. Los complementos van con preposiciones (ver número 2)

Verbo Decir         
1. “Opinar”, “expresar algo con palabras”

Ejemplo:     – Mis amigos (me) dicen que haga un curso de español
                  – ¿Perdona, qué (me) dices?

2.  Expresiones comunes para expresar sorpresa e interés: “¡No me digas!” “¡Qué me dices!”

*ATENCIÓN: “Decir” es un verbo transitivo, es decir, necesita un “objeto directo” en la oración (parte subrayada). En el primer sentido (ver número 1), el verbo se suele utilizar como verbo pronominal.

Verbo Contar
1. “Numerar”

Ejemplo:     – Vamos a jugar. Escóndete donde puedas. Contaré hasta tres: uno, dos… ¡y tres!

2.  “Relatar algo”

Ejemplo: – ¿Te he contado lo que me pasó ayer en el supermercado?
              – ¡No, cuéntamelo!

Ahora ya sabéis decir, contar y, por supuesto, hablar español. ¿No estáis contentos? : D

Aprende español con Taronja School

Con nuestros cursos de español puedes mejorar tu expresión oral y aprender de una forma divertida y amena cómo somos los españoles.

¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

Diferencias entre DECIR, CONTAR, HABLAR 2
Gideon Hammond Avatar
Gideon Hammond
OVERALL As a school teacher (of Maths and some other things), I had supported the Spanish trip here with my pupils in April 2023. I could see what a transformative experience it was for them so much so that I wanted it for myself. My time at Taronja can only be described as excellent. Everyone at the school tries to ensure you have the best time possible which is impressive based on the carousel of students who come-and-go each week. All the staff treated me with kindness and respect. Thank you to Maxi and Fernando for running such a unique place. The last 4 weeks at Taronja have been exciting, interesting, eventful, busy, enjoyable and compact with information. The last time I studied a language was 14 years ago. I was not very keen on languages in school but my time spent at Taronja has made me believe that I can learn a language to a much higher level than I ever thought possible. That alone has been worth it. LEARNING EXPERIENCE The teachers were fun and engaging. As an absolute beginner, I did the Intensive course + conversation class + private lessons. That helped with my exposure to the language and the private classes were helpful in ironing out some issues. I did this for the first three weeks, then extended by a week and "dropped down" to "only" the intensive course, which is plenty. If I were building up for an exam I would definitely pick up the private classes again. And the conversation classes were energetically delivered to give you important insights of Spanish conversational etiquette. Overall, I was able to enjoy lessons taught by patient, *knowledgeable* and kind teachers, who have reminded me about the importance of these characteristics in my own teaching practice. Teaching beginners must be tough and it was done with grace, style, poise and importantly, a smile. Thank you Laura, Carmen, Antonio, Miguel Angel, Nestor, Carol, Jenny, Nerea, and especially Mica and Paula for your infectious energy and humour. ACADEMIC ADMIN The organisation of the timetable and classes was clearly communicated in advance via WhatsApp. I know some people didn't feel as though they were in the right class for their level and changes were made almost instantly to help. This was managed by the academic team. SUPPORT Organising, arriving, and extending my stay was made very easy by the ladies at the front desk, in particular Elena and Roza! Emails were responded to promptly and they were always so helpful. Waving to them in the morning and getting a wave back made things feel a bit more like home! SOCIAL Plenty of opportunities to socialise with others at the school. Most people I attended school with were between 19-25. But there was also a considerable contingent of older pupils too (e.g. 31, 40 and 70!). This is all taken into consideration when forming classes and social activities. There are activities organised by the school for every day of the week. I went during high season (i.e. the summer) so there were a lot of people. Some activities are linked to other language schools which broadens your pool of potential connections. A lot are free. Many are heavily subsidised. Because there is a fluid change of people from week to week the extent to which you find things socialable will depend on who you share your time at the school with. But similarly minded people would pay money to attend a summer school, so it's likely to be fine for you, as it was for me! As an over-27, I was added to a WhatsApp group for additionally organised activities. BOCARIOS (Interns) An excellently led intern team support the activities and were a good group to talk to in general. Very helpful! GENERAL THOUGHTS When in Spain and doing things, there is a naturally occurring opportunity to practice the language. Whether you decide to is your own choice! And indeed your experience in general heavily depends on you 😇 . Approach it with an open heart and fresh eyes.
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Roderick C Avatar
Roderick C
5 star rating
Great Week at Taronja Both my children have been to Taronja to work on their their Spanish (my daughter four times so far) and have both made excellent progress. Then, at long last, Dad made it too! I was looking for an advanced course, which can be difficult to find in smaller schools so it was great to find somewhere that can offer courses at a more demanding level, and even better, that are well taught. All this was backed up with daily printouts of the topics and new vocabulary that arose as we went along. Plenty of great extracurricular laid on outside the formal teaching. Inevitably this was better suited for those a wee bit younger than myself but my two (18 and 21) had an absolute ball! I opted to stay with a Spanish family and was very lucky to be assigned someone who was not only great company but who upon discovering it was my birthday, even laid on a birthday party for me!
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Richard Nordfeldt Avatar
Richard Nordfeldt
This is a really good school for learning spanish and its great for all agegroups. They also organize a lot of fun and intresting events/excursions outside school so you can meet people and practise your spanish. I recommend it! 🌞
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Yonatan_Boinet Avatar
5 star rating
An Amazing school to learn and live the spanish I (20 yo) was there for two weeks for an intensive course in spanish. It was amazing!! The courses are divided in two, with two different teachers. I had the opportunity to meet 4 of them which were all amazing. The school teaches through ludic activities which allows to learn how to really speak and write spanish well. Also Taronja does a lot of activities during the week and on saturdays. The activities are a great way to meet people and learn spanish culture / see amazing landscapes (Saturdays).
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Patrick Golz Avatar
Patrick Golz
Really amazing language school in Valencia. Groups are small and the teachers are very nice and know what their doing. And they organize really cool events every day to get to know the other students and practice your Spanish. Will come back next year for sure.
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Ksenia_shinshilla Avatar
5 star rating
Great school of Spanish language Several years ago I've studied at Taronja school for 2 weeks and it was a great time that I still remember. The teachers were enthusiastic and spent a lot of time with there students not only in classes but also during extracurricular activities. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot in just 2 weeks in Valencia. I still remember this great time and I would love to come back to the beautiful city of Valencia and this wonderful school!
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5 star rating
La scuola numero 1 a Valencia Scuola eccellente con uno staff preparato e cordiale sempre pronto ad aiutarti per ogni necessità. Gli insegnanti sono tutti molto bravi, disponibili e simpatici. La struttura e moderna e funzionale con aule dotate di lavagne elettroniche, ipads e sala comune con computer. La scuola inoltre organizza attività molto belle e coinvolgenti, tra cui: lezioni di cucina spagnola, escursioni e paella di benvenuto. Sono stato alla Taronja per 4 settimane nelle quali ho migliorato molto il mio livello di spagnolo e conosciuto gente splendida. La consiglio vivamente a chiunque sia interessato a imparare lo spagnolo a Valencia
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Elena Avatar
I love this school! During my seven weeks at Taronja I’ve learned a lot (I hope I’ll remember all those verbos irregulares!). The lessons were very well organized, easy to understand and highly communicative, so even with my basic level of Spanish I could participate in all discussions and do the tasks. The teachers and the staff are great: young, friendly, creative and ready to help with everything! Most of the students are under 30, but there are a lot of learners over 45-50 like me, so I felt absolutely comfortable. We really had fun together at different events and activities, organized by the school every week: parties, excursions, dancing and cooking masterclasses or just picnics in the park. Valencia is a great place to visit and Taronja is the right place to study Spanish there!
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