Uso de los diminutivos en español

Todos sabéis que para utilizar el diminutivo la terminación más habitual es –ito. Y así de palabras como beso, decimos besito; o de gordo también decimos gordito.

1. En español, este diminutivo no quiere decir necesariamente que sea más bajito sino que también podemos utilizarlo para emplear un tono más cariñoso y, con las palabras que pensemos que son ofensivas, podemos suavizarlas y hacerlas menos agresivas, es deir, atenuamos:

No es lo mismo decir: tu hermano es gordo a tu hermano es gordito

2. En lugar de utilizar fórmulas de cortesía: por favor, si no es molestia, etc. Podemos utilizar el diminutivo. Por ejemplo:

-Por favor, ¿me traes un vaso de agua?

-¿Me traes un vasito de agua?

3. También lo utilizamos para convencer o hacer más apeticible un plan a nuestros amigos:

-¿Nos tomamos unas cervecitas?

-Una copita y a casa…

-mañana vamos a la playa y nos comemos una paellita

4. Es curioso como existen diferentes diminutivos para las diferentes zonas de España. Así la misma frase se podrá decir:

            “Tu hermano es gordiño” en Galicia

            “Tu hermano es gordino” en Asturias

            “Tu hermano es gorduco” en Cantabria

            “Tu hermano es gordillo” en Andalucía

            “Tu hermano es gordico” en Aragón

            “Tu hermano es gordete” en Cataluña y Valencia

5. Por último, destacamos la curiosidad en el español de México donde es común el uso de diminutivos con adverbios. Así podremos oír fórmulas como “ahorita” o “arribita” con algunos pequeños matices:

“-Ahorita voy.” (en unos pocos minutos voy)

“-No. Ahorita no, … ¡Ven ahora!” (es decir, inmediatamente).

Uso del diminutivo en español

Aprende español con Taronja School

Con nuestros cursos de español puedes mejorar tu expresión oral y aprender de una forma divertida y amena cómo somos los españoles.

¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

Uso de los diminutivos en español 2
Eva S Avatar
Eva S
Entering the school through a beautiful massive and decorative door (on a street where you’d love to have your coffee and lunchbreaks), the inside will surprise you even more: an explosion of colours, art and atmosphere. And that’s what the teachers carry out too: such passion and enthusiasm. But the learning doesn’t stop as soon as class comes to an end. Taronja organises plenty of very fun, optional activities. In the afternoon, evening and even in the weekends. No chance to get bored here… I’m going to stay longer!
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5 star rating
La mejor escuela para aprender español Hola, ya he estado tres veces en la escuela Taronja en Valencia.
Allí puedes aprender un montón y vas a tener mucho diversión. Vale la pena... 🙂
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Charlie Smith Avatar
Charlie Smith
Spending eight weeks learning Spanish in Valencia has been a rewarding experience. When I first arrived here, I had a patchy understanding of how basic Spanish grammar works, which gave me a false sense of confidence coming into the country. I was placed into a class that was far too advanced for my level, and I quickly discovered that my listening and speaking skills were practically non-existent. It is fair to say that I was completely baffed in my first week of lessons. I eventually moved down two groups, so I could work on my listening and speaking skills. This level was much more enjoyable, as I wasn’t in a permanent state of confusion. I have noticed my progress continue to grow steadily over the weeks. Now, I feel like I have enough Spanish to get by on my own and develop my skill independently. Understanding street chit-chat is becoming easier, watching Spanish T.V. is becoming more enjoyable, and I can usually interpret written texts. The teachers at Taronja are young, fun and competent people. Rather than forcing us to fill out boring and repetitive exercise sheets, they make learning more enjoyable by providing innovative activities and games to keep the classroom engaged. The timetable is constantly rotating, so we can benefit from various styles and techniques of each teacher. Valencia is a truly beautiful city in a variety of different ways. The centre of the city is built around two lively squares, made up of old monuments, statues, restaurants, and constant buzz of passing tourists. The surrounding streets are full of character and are brought to life by the detail of their design, the classical Valencian balconies, and the numerous restaurants. The Turia park is another incredible feature of the city. It used to be a large river flowing through the centre of the city, but people decided to drain it after serious floods in the 1950s. Now, it is a riverbed, which has been converted into a lush garden, where people go to escape the city, exercise and relax.
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5 star rating
2 semanoas cursos en taronja es mi primera vez fui a valencica, fui 2 semanas en taronja, esdude mucho y my gustan la cursos , todos lodo prefesioal muy bien , si tengo tiempo libre, creo que puedo volver otro vez .gracias todos los bien .
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Sarah Bowman Avatar
Sarah Bowman
If I can learn Spanish then anyone can! In a space of 6 weeks I went from saying "sin comentarios" in class to speaking short sentences with lovely regular, irregular and reflexive verbs ?. Teachers and administration staff are professional, friendly and supportive. I am going to miss my "chitty chats" with the Reception desk ?
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Elena Avatar
I love this school! During my seven weeks at Taronja I’ve learned a lot (I hope I’ll remember all those verbos irregulares!). The lessons were very well organized, easy to understand and highly communicative, so even with my basic level of Spanish I could participate in all discussions and do the tasks. The teachers and the staff are great: young, friendly, creative and ready to help with everything! Most of the students are under 30, but there are a lot of learners over 45-50 like me, so I felt absolutely comfortable. We really had fun together at different events and activities, organized by the school every week: parties, excursions, dancing and cooking masterclasses or just picnics in the park. Valencia is a great place to visit and Taronja is the right place to study Spanish there!
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5 star rating
Une super expérience Etudier l'espagnol au sein de Taronja School est une super expérience ! Les cours qui y sont dispensés sont d'une grande qualité ; les professeurs sont toujours à l'écoute des élèves. Au travers des différentes activités proposées l'on rencontre des gens très sympathiques. J'ai vraiment adoré cette école de langue et compte bien y retourner !
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BE z Avatar
BE z
It's a verynice place, the teachers are professional and the rest of the staff very competent and helpful. You can enroll in many different types of courses and additionally choose some extra private classes or conversations. The advantage of this school is that they have groups at every level - even if your spanish is advanced you will find a group for you. Every week there are also some extra activities which involve city walks, cultre classes, local parties, etc. You won't regret the time spent in this school.
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