Uso de los diminutivos en español

Todos sabéis que para utilizar el diminutivo la terminación más habitual es –ito. Y así de palabras como beso, decimos besito; o de gordo también decimos gordito.

1. En español, este diminutivo no quiere decir necesariamente que sea más bajito sino que también podemos utilizarlo para emplear un tono más cariñoso y, con las palabras que pensemos que son ofensivas, podemos suavizarlas y hacerlas menos agresivas, es deir, atenuamos:

No es lo mismo decir: tu hermano es gordo a tu hermano es gordito

2. En lugar de utilizar fórmulas de cortesía: por favor, si no es molestia, etc. Podemos utilizar el diminutivo. Por ejemplo:

-Por favor, ¿me traes un vaso de agua?

-¿Me traes un vasito de agua?

3. También lo utilizamos para convencer o hacer más apeticible un plan a nuestros amigos:

-¿Nos tomamos unas cervecitas?

-Una copita y a casa…

-mañana vamos a la playa y nos comemos una paellita

4. Es curioso como existen diferentes diminutivos para las diferentes zonas de España. Así la misma frase se podrá decir:

            “Tu hermano es gordiño” en Galicia

            “Tu hermano es gordino” en Asturias

            “Tu hermano es gorduco” en Cantabria

            “Tu hermano es gordillo” en Andalucía

            “Tu hermano es gordico” en Aragón

            “Tu hermano es gordete” en Cataluña y Valencia

5. Por último, destacamos la curiosidad en el español de México donde es común el uso de diminutivos con adverbios. Así podremos oír fórmulas como “ahorita” o “arribita” con algunos pequeños matices:

“-Ahorita voy.” (en unos pocos minutos voy)

“-No. Ahorita no, … ¡Ven ahora!” (es decir, inmediatamente).

Uso del diminutivo en español

Aprende español con Taronja School

Con nuestros cursos de español puedes mejorar tu expresión oral y aprender de una forma divertida y amena cómo somos los españoles.

¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

Uso de los diminutivos en español 2
Keith-M-Traveller Avatar
5 star rating
Taronja is a great Spanish school and also great fun! I have been to Taronja twice before, both times for 2 weeks of their intensive course. The course is for 20 lessons a week, over 4 hours each day Monday to Friday and there are also lots of cultural and social activities run by the school for students, normally without extra charges. These include cooking presentations at the school, cultural walks, lessons off-site at interesting locations, group outings to restaurants, bars and other attractions and cultural presentations at lunch-times as well as the weekly paella party for current and past students.
Teaching is done in small groups (6-10) of people with a similar level of Spanish and is done in a creative way and all in Spanish. As well as following a broad curriculum and working towards the standard learning levels, the lessons include a lot of fun activities and all sorts of diversions into exploring Spanish language and culture.
I can recommend this school very highly and Valencia is a beautiful city well-worth exploring. It is especially good during the Las Fallas festival 15-19 March each year and I will be returning to Taronja again this year 2019 to see it.
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Brenda Severin Avatar
Brenda Severin
Dear Taronja, Allow me to express my gratitude to you all. This last month has been a quiet a journey for me and I am grateful to learn and grow alongside incredible souls. A huge thank you to all my teachers and the whole team at Taronja for your dedication and commitment. To my teachers, I know I have not been the easiest student but you guys are awesome. Thank you for your patience, encouragement and guidance ( especially Nestor & Micaela 🤍 ). I am going back home more bold and I will definitely continue to work on my Spanish skills. To my fellow students, you are definitely at the right school. It was pleasant to meet some of you and enjoy your stay in Valencia. Thank you Jenny and Andres for making my classes possible. See you for sure next time. Love Brenda Ps. Next time I will write in Spanish 🙏🏽
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5 star rating
Beeindruckend! Ich bin wirklich beeindruckt von dieser Sprachschule!
Sehr gut ausgebildete, sympathische, junge Lehrer, die auf unser Sprachniveau gut eingehen, geduldig und humorvoll sind und jeden im Kurs (wir sind 9 SchülerInnen) auch "zwingen", zu sprechen, ganz wesentlich für mich!
S. hat uns sogar mit seiner perfekt gespielten Gitarre ein Lied gesungen - im Text mussten wir die fehlenden Verben in der richtigen Zeit einsetzen und durften dann mit ihm nochmal gemeinsam singen - also auch einige Talente gibt es hier! 🙂
Die Lernmethode ist intensiv, anders und im richtigen Maß, um schnell Fortschritte zu machen.
Die Schule, die Korrespondenz mit ihr, die Informationen, die wir bekommen, die Organisation generell ist super strukturiert und durchorganisiert - estupendo! Noch nie in dieser Weise erlebt!
Ja, und sogar auf meine Reklamationen bezüglich meines Appartements (einige!), in dem ich hier lebe, geht man geduldig und liebevoll ein und es ändert sich auch was!
Freue mich schon auf die zweite Woche und auf weitere Lernerfolge hier!
Muchas gracias por sus esforzias, Taronja School! 🙂
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TatevikMar Avatar
5 star rating
Intensiv course spanish Spent a wonderful week here and met wonderful people. All teachers are extremely friendly and courteous. Thanks for everything<3
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Kenneth Parris Avatar
Kenneth Parris
Excellent school that really focuses on the community element for the students. Teachers get involved in the activities, which is a cool sight to see, as you can get to know them outside the classroom. The lessons are well done also, as each teacher brings a different style. I also love the format of the schedule, in that, the time of classes swaps daily, and so does your teacher. Keeps things fresh. Lastly, Stefano is an EXCELLENT activity coordinator! He really enjoys being around the students and is professional.
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Daire Fallon Avatar
Daire Fallon
I did a 3 week summer Spanish course in the school.
I highly recommend. I'm a teacher myself and was very impressive by the communicative methods and the quality of the teaching.
The school offers a wonderful Co curricular programme and we really enjoyed the activities, including a tapas crawl and lots of cultural events plus a beach party.
Totally recommended.
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Nathalie B. Avatar
Nathalie B.
I am student who just finished high school and decided to take a gap year and learn a language. One of my friends was in Taronja School last year for 3 months and she loved it, so she recommended me to spend some time there in Valencia. I spent 6 months in the school and had one of the best times of my life. I arrived with a very low spanish level, and weeks after weeks, I could see my progress. Later in October, I felt confortable enough with my spanish to take the DELE-B2 preparation lessons at the school as well. Coming to Valencia, I never thought I would improve that fast. Even more, the teachers are very nice and pay attention to every student in the class. Finally, what makes the school also so special are the activities, they make it very easy to meet other students and make friends as soon as you arrive. I definitely wanna come back again!
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lienswikker Avatar
5 star rating
Taronja I followed an intensive spanish course at Taronja for 4 weeks and i wish i stayed longer. I had the best time ever and I'm going back this year. The teachers are extremely friendly, the school is small but really nice and the activities were amazing. On the weekends, there are trips to other cities or places and throughout the week, the school organises other activities like paella evenings, city tours or cooking classes. The appartment i stayed in, was clean and big. I have no complaints at all and had the best summer vacation ever
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