Diferencias entre CONFIAR y FIARSE DE

En esta lección de español, os queremos explicar las diferencias entre dos verbos: fiarse y confiar. ¿Quieres aprenderla?

ATENCIÓN: uno es un verbo reflexivo (FIARSE DE) y el otro no (CONFIAR EN)

CONFIAR EN: Lo usamos para hablar de situaciones, cosas o personas. Tener confianza en alguien o algo.  

-Pepe, quiero que seas el director de la empresa. Llevas aquí mucho tiempo y confío en que lo harás muy bien.
-Muchas gracias. Sé que confías en mí, pero no puedo aceptarlo. Es mucha responsabilidad.

FIARSE DE:  Lo usamos para hablar de personas y es más concreto. Depositar la confianza en alguien por sus cualidades, habilidades o promesas. Aquí es sinónimo de confiar.

-¡Madre mía! ¡He olvidado la cartera! Qué vergüenza. ¿Puedo pagarte mañana? ¿Te fías de mí?
-Pablo, eres nuestro mejor cliente, ¡claro que me fio de ti! Me lo puedes pagar otro día

Aprende español con Taronja School

Con nuestros cursos de español puedes mejorar tu expresión oral y aprender de una forma divertida y amena cómo somos los españoles.

¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

Diferencias entre CONFIAR y FIARSE DE 2
5 star rating
2 großartige Wochen in Valencia Die Zeit in der Escuela Taronja hat uns so gut gefallen, dass aus einer Woche Sprachkurs und einer Woche Urlaub 2 Wochen Sprachkurs wurden. Alle Mitarbeiter der Schule waren wahnsinnig nett, motiviert und hilfsbereit! Der Unterricht ist effektiv und nie langweilig! Wir haben als absolute Anfänger begonnen und waren begeistert, wie es die Lehrer schaffen, dass man trotzdem alles versteht obwohl der Unterricht ausschließlich auf Spanisch ist.
Der nächste Aufenthalt ist schon geplant!
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4 star rating
un lugar donde ¡puedes sobresalir! Mi segunda estancia con Taronja solo duró una semana, pero, de nuevo, me di cuenta de que la calidad de los profesores (en mi caso, las profesoras, Desiré y Sara) es muy buena. Estaban dedicadas y profesionales.Tanto los profesores como los administradores son siempre muy amables. Intentan ayudarte y apoyarte todos los días. Y lo mejor, tienen paciencia y llevan una sonrisa. Muchísimas gracias a todos y por todo.
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Caroline C. Avatar
Caroline C.
I spent one week at Taronja School, studying A1 Spanish and would go back in a heartbeat💕. The small classes were very engaging, and teachers were enthusiastic and caring. Taronja is much more than classes though, every night they had engaging activities where you could practice Spanish with fellow classmates and explore new places all over Valencia, and beyond with the teachers and ambassadors of the school. I had so much fun and met the most wonderful people from all over the world. I am in my 50s which I think is significant because they truly treated every person like family and had a group Buena Vida for people over 27 😂 to connect and be able to do things together. I'm really looking forward to going back In the future. They also have housing at a reasonable rate if you're staying for a longer period of time . Thank you Taronja☀️💐🎉
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5 star rating
No Regrets! Ero alla ricerca di un'esperienza estiva differente, qualcosa che potesse permettermi di accrescere il mio bagaglio culturale e perché no di crescere, conoscere gente migliorare una lingua che sempre mi ha affascinato, così ho deciso: me ne vado in Spagna, a Valencia (ne ho sentito parlare così tanto che mi son detto devo assolutamente andarci). Così inizio la mia ricerca di scuole, ne vedo un pò inizio a fare le prime indagini perché comunque si vuol sempre andare in un posto che ti faccia star bene, ne vedo una, due però nessuna che mi abbia fatto scattare la "scintilla" finché non mi imbatto nella scuola TARONJA, inizio a visitare il loro sito a leggere un pò di recensioni cosi li contatto, è che dire i piccoli dettagli fanno la differenza, assistenza e cordialità fin da subito, dalla prima email è cosi ho deciso che è qui che avrei passato le mie 2 settimane. Un'esperienza stupenda che porterò sempre con me, che non vedo l'ora di ripetere il prima possibile. In Taronja si respira un ambiente familiare, tutto lo staff è sempre disponibile, simpatico e meritano un sentito complimento. I prof sono tutti giovani quindi imparare e migliorarsi diventa molto più facile. Cosa fondamentale sono le attività organizzate dalla scuola avrete sempre qualcosa da fare e non è mai qualcosa di noioso! Sono felicissimo della mia scelta!
Hasta pronto Taronja!
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Max N Avatar
Max N
5 star rating
Best spanish school in Valencia Taronja is the best spanish school in Valencia. The teachers are amazing and the job the interns do with the activities is just as amazing. I spent 3 months there and I could not had imagined doing anywhere else.
Many great and exciting activities, the best Paella
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Jordan Cookson Avatar
Jordan Cookson
I just spent 11 weeks at Taronja and loved every minute of it. The classes were fun and engaging and my Spanish improved a lot. You have 2 different teachers each week so you get to experience different teaching styles, they also have activities 6 days a week so you have the chance to socialise outside of school hours and get to know the other students and teachers. I loved it that much that I’m going back for another 5 months in February, I couldn’t have asked for a better experience and would recommend this school to anyone who’s looking to learn Spanish and also meet lots of new people.
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Alexandra  Utkina Avatar
Alexandra Utkina
Pasé en Taronja dos semanas inolvidables aprendiendo español con mejores profes entre los estudiantes de todo el mundo. Buena ubicación, ambiente amistoso, actividades interesantes para todos los gustos. Me encantaría volver este año.
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Keith-M-Traveller Avatar
5 star rating
Taronja is a great Spanish school and also great fun! I have been to Taronja twice before, both times for 2 weeks of their intensive course. The course is for 20 lessons a week, over 4 hours each day Monday to Friday and there are also lots of cultural and social activities run by the school for students, normally without extra charges. These include cooking presentations at the school, cultural walks, lessons off-site at interesting locations, group outings to restaurants, bars and other attractions and cultural presentations at lunch-times as well as the weekly paella party for current and past students.
Teaching is done in small groups (6-10) of people with a similar level of Spanish and is done in a creative way and all in Spanish. As well as following a broad curriculum and working towards the standard learning levels, the lessons include a lot of fun activities and all sorts of diversions into exploring Spanish language and culture.
I can recommend this school very highly and Valencia is a beautiful city well-worth exploring. It is especially good during the Las Fallas festival 15-19 March each year and I will be returning to Taronja again this year 2019 to see it.
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