Clases privadas de español online

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Clases privadas de español online.
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Clases privadas de español online a medida

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  • Diseñado por profesionales: Aprende español con un programa académico diseñado y supervisado por profesionales.
  • Atención personalizada y seguimiento de nuestros experimentados profesores.
  • Mucho más completo y efectivo que cualquier charla en Skype.
  • Despeja todas tus dudas, y refuerza tus conocimientos del español.

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    Clases privadas de español online 1

    ¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

    Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

    Clases privadas de español online 2
    David E Avatar
    David E
    5 star rating
    A very enjoyable place to learn Spanish I have just finished a two week intensive course at Escuela Taronja and am already missing it. I am at an early intermediate level and the experience of the last two weeks have boosted my confidence and stretched my knowledge so much. I was a little intimidated by the idea of being middle aged and out of my comfort zone but the school is so supportive, inclusive all all ages and quick to ensure that you are in a class at the right level. I would encourage anyone going to the school to jump in with both feet and take up all the various social opportunities that are on offer,,they were great fun and I met some new friends that I hope to
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    5 star rating
    No Regrets! Ero alla ricerca di un'esperienza estiva differente, qualcosa che potesse permettermi di accrescere il mio bagaglio culturale e perché no di crescere, conoscere gente migliorare una lingua che sempre mi ha affascinato, così ho deciso: me ne vado in Spagna, a Valencia (ne ho sentito parlare così tanto che mi son detto devo assolutamente andarci). Così inizio la mia ricerca di scuole, ne vedo un pò inizio a fare le prime indagini perché comunque si vuol sempre andare in un posto che ti faccia star bene, ne vedo una, due però nessuna che mi abbia fatto scattare la "scintilla" finché non mi imbatto nella scuola TARONJA, inizio a visitare il loro sito a leggere un pò di recensioni cosi li contatto, è che dire i piccoli dettagli fanno la differenza, assistenza e cordialità fin da subito, dalla prima email è cosi ho deciso che è qui che avrei passato le mie 2 settimane. Un'esperienza stupenda che porterò sempre con me, che non vedo l'ora di ripetere il prima possibile. In Taronja si respira un ambiente familiare, tutto lo staff è sempre disponibile, simpatico e meritano un sentito complimento. I prof sono tutti giovani quindi imparare e migliorarsi diventa molto più facile. Cosa fondamentale sono le attività organizzate dalla scuola avrete sempre qualcosa da fare e non è mai qualcosa di noioso! Sono felicissimo della mia scelta!
    Hasta pronto Taronja!
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    Emilie Esposito Avatar
    Emilie Esposito
    I chose the school for a last minute trip in Valencia (booked Saturday for a start on Monday) based on a quick Google search and was amazed by the classes and the activities organised after class. Probably a third of the students were working professionals and I didn’t feel « too old » as there were quite a few students older than me!
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    Paola Campanelli Avatar
    Paola Campanelli
    Fantastic friendly school with perfect service. ¡Me gustó todo!!
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    Shae Isaacs Avatar
    Shae Isaacs
    I highly recommend Taronja! The school has been around for many years but recently got a brand new facility with brightly colored walls and excellent smart board technology. I had several different teachers, all of whom were excellent, and I found the curriculum very well organized. I especially liked the way the school’s advisors worked with me before and when I arrived to find the perfect placement for me. The majority of the students are young, but as a 50+ student, I’m happy to report I found classmates my age, too, and met some really interesting people of all ages and nationalities. In addition to classes, I took a couple of private lessons that really helped me. A huge plus for Taronja are its activities; every night you can participate in something - totally optional - from walks around the city, to cooking classes, to painting classes … And on the weekend they offer amazing excursions!! All great ways to practice your Spanish and experience Spanish culture. If I went back to Valencia, which I hope to do, I wouldn’t consider any other school. Thank you Taronja!!!
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    Kelly Robinson Avatar
    Kelly Robinson
    I had a fantastic experience at Taronja, I was only there a week, but cannot believe how much my Spanish has improved from a very basic level. Our professors, Pablo & Teresa were wonderful, they made the classes interactive and interesting, and were excellent at making everyone feel welcome. I am already planning my next trip!
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    Iris Helder Avatar
    Iris Helder
    I’ve studied at Taronja in Valencia for almost 3 weeks now and I already don’t want to leave. The teachers are nice and I felt really welcomed since I first stepped trough the schools doors! Outside of school there are activities organised by the school almost everyday. So don’t bring too many books with you, there will be enough to do here 😉
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    Freddy DeTomato Avatar
    Freddy DeTomato
    If you want to learn Spanish with professionals and having fun at the same time...Taronja is the place to be!!! 😉
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