
Blog 2
Lotería española, el Gordo de Navidad
¿Sabes qué es el Gordo de Navidad?

Te contamos la historia de esta tradición navideña española Aunque las fechas oficiales de las navidades en España son del 24 de diciembre al 6 de enero (coincidiendo con las vacaciones escolares), el 22 de diciembre también está marcado en el calendario navideño español. El motivo es que este día se celebra el sorteo del […]

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¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

Blog 3
Gideon Hammond Avatar
Gideon Hammond
OVERALL As a school teacher (of Maths and some other things), I had supported the Spanish trip here with my pupils in April 2023. I could see what a transformative experience it was for them so much so that I wanted it for myself. My time at Taronja can only be described as excellent. Everyone at the school tries to ensure you have the best time possible which is impressive based on the carousel of students who come-and-go each week. All the staff treated me with kindness and respect. Thank you to Maxi and Fernando for running such a unique place. The last 4 weeks at Taronja have been exciting, interesting, eventful, busy, enjoyable and compact with information. The last time I studied a language was 14 years ago. I was not very keen on languages in school but my time spent at Taronja has made me believe that I can learn a language to a much higher level than I ever thought possible. That alone has been worth it. LEARNING EXPERIENCE The teachers were fun and engaging. As an absolute beginner, I did the Intensive course + conversation class + private lessons. That helped with my exposure to the language and the private classes were helpful in ironing out some issues. I did this for the first three weeks, then extended by a week and "dropped down" to "only" the intensive course, which is plenty. If I were building up for an exam I would definitely pick up the private classes again. And the conversation classes were energetically delivered to give you important insights of Spanish conversational etiquette. Overall, I was able to enjoy lessons taught by patient, *knowledgeable* and kind teachers, who have reminded me about the importance of these characteristics in my own teaching practice. Teaching beginners must be tough and it was done with grace, style, poise and importantly, a smile. Thank you Laura, Carmen, Antonio, Miguel Angel, Nestor, Carol, Jenny, Nerea, and especially Mica and Paula for your infectious energy and humour. ACADEMIC ADMIN The organisation of the timetable and classes was clearly communicated in advance via WhatsApp. I know some people didn't feel as though they were in the right class for their level and changes were made almost instantly to help. This was managed by the academic team. SUPPORT Organising, arriving, and extending my stay was made very easy by the ladies at the front desk, in particular Elena and Roza! Emails were responded to promptly and they were always so helpful. Waving to them in the morning and getting a wave back made things feel a bit more like home! SOCIAL Plenty of opportunities to socialise with others at the school. Most people I attended school with were between 19-25. But there was also a considerable contingent of older pupils too (e.g. 31, 40 and 70!). This is all taken into consideration when forming classes and social activities. There are activities organised by the school for every day of the week. I went during high season (i.e. the summer) so there were a lot of people. Some activities are linked to other language schools which broadens your pool of potential connections. A lot are free. Many are heavily subsidised. Because there is a fluid change of people from week to week the extent to which you find things socialable will depend on who you share your time at the school with. But similarly minded people would pay money to attend a summer school, so it's likely to be fine for you, as it was for me! As an over-27, I was added to a WhatsApp group for additionally organised activities. BOCARIOS (Interns) An excellently led intern team support the activities and were a good group to talk to in general. Very helpful! GENERAL THOUGHTS When in Spain and doing things, there is a naturally occurring opportunity to practice the language. Whether you decide to is your own choice! And indeed your experience in general heavily depends on you 😇 . Approach it with an open heart and fresh eyes.
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sorinbalasioiu Avatar
5 star rating
Great experience I went to this solo for 1 week. I wanted to try it first and then extend to 2 more weeks.
(when you extend you need to do it early in the week or risk all spots getting full)
Complete beginner intensive course, I was in a class of 7 people of various ages.
4 young teachers - enthusiastic and made the classes fun. When you have 4 hours (with 1 break of 20m) it's a good thing to make them fun, otherwise you will get bored and lose focus.
I can't say much about if the structure of the lessons was optimal or not, it worked for me, I was able to speak with people for a little bit after only one week without studying extra at home.
And again, they make it fun, if they just give you the top 100 verbs and conjugation for all of them and ask you to repeat them for 4 hours - it might be more effective but it would bore you to tears and you could easily do that on your own.
The best part for me was also to meet different people there from all over the world. The school has daily extra activities that you can optionally attend to and there you get to meet them.
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Freddy DeTomato Avatar
Freddy DeTomato
If you want to learn Spanish with professionals and having fun at the same time...Taronja is the place to be!!! 😉
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rbrtzmck Avatar
5 star rating
2-week intensive course for beginners I made a huge progress during the two weeks (2016) full of modern multimedia classes, cooking lessons, sport&trips, city tours, movies and so many opportunities to listen&speak Spanish during lunch/dinner etc. The support and friendliness of the staff was amazing. Great location in the city center as well.
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Max N Avatar
Max N
5 star rating
Best spanish school in Valencia Taronja is the best spanish school in Valencia. The teachers are amazing and the job the interns do with the activities is just as amazing. I spent 3 months there and I could not had imagined doing anywhere else.
Many great and exciting activities, the best Paella
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Charlie S Avatar
Charlie S
5 star rating
My experience at Taronja Spending eight weeks learning Spanish in Valencia has been a rewarding experience. When I first arrived here, I had a patchy understanding of how basic Spanish grammar works, which gave me a false sense of confidence coming into the country. I was placed into a class that was far too advanced for my level, and I quickly discovered that my listening and speaking skills were practically non-existent. It is fair to say that I was completely baffed in my first week of lessons. I eventually moved down two groups, so I could work on my listening and speaking skills. This level was much more enjoyable, as I wasn’t in a permanent state of confusion. I have noticed my progress continue to grow steadily over the weeks. Now, I feel like I have enough Spanish to get by on my own and develop my skill independently. Understanding street chit-chat is becoming easier, watching Spanish T.V. is becoming more enjoyable, and I can usually interpret written texts.
The teachers at Taronja are young, fun and competent people. Rather than forcing us to fill out boring and repetitive exercise sheets, they make learning more enjoyable by providing innovative activities and games to keep the classroom engaged. The timetable is constantly rotating, so we can benefit from various styles and techniques of each teacher.
Valencia is a truly beautiful city in a variety of different ways. The centre of the city is built around two lively squares, made up of old monuments, statues, restaurants, and constant buzz of passing tourists. The surrounding streets are full of character and are brought to life by the detail of their design, the classical Valencian balconies, and the numerous restaurants. The Turia park is another incredible feature of the city. It used to be a large river flowing through the centre of the city, but people decided to drain it after serious floods in the 1950s. Now, it is a riverbed, which has been converted into a lush garden, where people go to escape the city, exercise and relax.
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5 star rating
MEJOR ESCUELA DE ESPAÑOL EN VALENCIA! Estuve en taronja durante cinco semanas completamente sola, fue mi primera experiencia de viaje en solitaria. A ver, yo compartía un piso con 5 chicos procedentes de todo el mundo, por eso nunca me sentí realmente sola, las clases son extructuradas muy bien, los profes competentes, cada día hay actividades diferentes muy baratas/ gratuidas y muy divertidas,las mejores fiestas en la playa. Por cualquier duda son disponibles en ayudarte, si tienes un problema tratan resolver, personas estupendas, siempre piden opiniones de los estudiantes para mejorar el servicio. Lo único mejorable son los pisos, mi alojamiento tenía la ventana frente a las tuberías de alcantarillado, por eso olía muy es culpa de ellos, los edificios en Valencia son todos muy viejos, solo tenéis que tener suerte con los pisos aja y ellos podrían seleccionarlos un poco más, y no alquilar los pejores (otros amigos míos se lamentaban de eso..) Por lo demás, experiencia total, muy aconsejada, es dinero muy bien gastado, seguro te la vas a pasar bien. Siete dei fighi, bravi!
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Kim Jautze Avatar
Kim Jautze
I’ve been at the Taronja school for only one week but I’ve had a great experience with the teachers, the methods that they use (which are super interactive and fun) and the organization of the school. I would definitely recommend this school if you want to learn Spanish in Spain!
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