¿Qué pasa si un día no puedo ir a clase?

Si no puede asistir a una clase debe avisar con 24 horas de antelación. Tu profesor grabará la clase y te la enviará para que la veas en los próximos 5 días.

Últimas noticias de Taronja School

Con nuestros cursos puedes mejorar tu expresión oral y aprender de una forma divertida y amena cómo somos los españoles.

¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

¿Qué pasa si un día no puedo ir a clase? 2
5 star rating
La mejor escuela para aprender español Hola, ya he estado tres veces en la escuela Taronja en Valencia.
Allí puedes aprender un montón y vas a tener mucho diversión. Vale la pena... 🙂
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tigerb736 Avatar
5 star rating
Intensive course for 3 weeks I went to Taronja as an almost beginner in Spanish and after three weeks I think I’ve made such an improvement but I’ve also learnt so much about different cultures and I think it has been an amazing experience.
I stayed in one of the school’s shared apartments with 4-5 other students from the school all of different nationalities and we were from the age of 18-26 and that was one of things that made my time there so special because you make such deep special bonds with other people in the same situation as you.
Over the three weeks the teachers were so engaging and welcoming along with the interns. There were multiple times where after activities we’d go to a bar or get some food and you felt so welcome and they were all so enthusiastic. In lessons each teacher found a different way to make sure you were taking in everything and the lessons were always fun. They also had a massive focus on conversation which was so helpful.
At the school there was such a range of ages and nationalities but I think we all came together really well through all of the amazing activities. My favourites were the excursions and the paella parties but all of them are worth doing as they improve your Spanish and give you opportunities to meet new people.
Thank you so much Taronja for the experience
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Jacqueline Los Avatar
Jacqueline Los
The school is fantastic. The way of teaching is very creative! They keep your attention for the whole time you are in the class. For me it was 4 weeks, I'm 63 years old, I think 3 would have been better. You get lots of information. So the last week I was very very tired. There are nice activities and they are open for activities ask for by the students. Young and old is spread out over all the class rooms. It is very easy to get in contact with the younger people. I would like to do it again. València is the best city ever. Big, compact, beautiful atmosphere and wonderful to bike around. There are beautiful bike pads and people in cars take care of you when you are on a bike. Hasta luego!!!!
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Diego Bogni Avatar
Diego Bogni
I have been to Taronja School for four weeks during June/July and I really enjoyed it. The professors are all young and well prepared. The teaching methodology is very good. The proposed activities were good and permits you to meet people from foreign countries and improve your language skills. I recommend it 🙂
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Max N Avatar
Max N
5 star rating
Best spanish school in Valencia Taronja is the best spanish school in Valencia. The teachers are amazing and the job the interns do with the activities is just as amazing. I spent 3 months there and I could not had imagined doing anywhere else.
Many great and exciting activities, the best Paella
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Guido Balestri Avatar
Guido Balestri
Best language school ever. Try it, you'll never be disappointed.
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Alexandra  Utkina Avatar
Alexandra Utkina
Pasé en Taronja dos semanas inolvidables aprendiendo español con mejores profes entre los estudiantes de todo el mundo. Buena ubicación, ambiente amistoso, actividades interesantes para todos los gustos. Me encantaría volver este año.
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وسام عبد الصمد Avatar
وسام عبد الصمد
The best language school ever. And I've been to a few to know.
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