¿A quién se dirige este curso?

Este programa está dirigido a todos los estudiantes de institutos técnicos, profesionales y liceos italianos que quieran completar parte de sus horas exigidas por el PCTO (ex Alternaza Scuola-Lavoro) a través de un programa en línea (online) desde su lugar de residencia.

Últimas noticias de Taronja School

Con nuestros cursos puedes mejorar tu expresión oral y aprender de una forma divertida y amena cómo somos los españoles.

¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

¿A quién se dirige este curso? 2
Guido Balestri Avatar
Guido Balestri
Best language school ever. Try it, you'll never be disappointed.
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GrandTour674533 Avatar
5 star rating
Very Worthwhile It's been 50 years since I went to 'school' and it was with much trepidation that I booked to go to the Taronja school. I had imagined that I would be the old man amongst youngsters in the class, but although I was the oldest there, I found we represented a good cross section of ages.
The first couple of hours in class was rather difficult, but that was because I felt a long way behind the other students regarding ability. There were 2 reasons for this, firstly the first subject of the day was about regular and irregular verbs, which is, at least for me and some of the others, difficult, but I soon began to make headway thanks to the excellent teacher. Secondly, I really should have attended the previous week as well; purely my mistake when I booked online.
When I look back at the week at the Taronja school and the amount I have learnt I am very impressed and I would go back for more but unfortunately it's a very long way from home and being a family man I just can't justify it but if it was within daily travelling distance I would be happy to spend many weeks there. I am considering using their online courses, but we'll see.
For anybody thinking about going to the Taronja school, just do it!
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Fedele CV Berta Ochando Avatar
Fedele CV Berta Ochando
recomiendo esta escuela por ser una de las escuelas acreditadas por el Instituto Cervantes y pertenece a Fedele Comunidad Valenciana. Cumple con todos los requisitos de escuela segura y las actividades que realizan integran a los estudiantes en la cultura de la Comunidad Valenciana y sobre todo de Valencia.
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Germaine Govaart Avatar
Germaine Govaart
Such a nice and good school! I have learned a lot. The teachers are great and the school organize a lot of nice activity’s The school is located at El Carmen, witch is perfect!
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5 star rating
Оно того стоит Были каникулы в университете, и решила на недельку поехать в Испанию,заодно и испанский получить. Очень классный опыт, даже за неделю я почувствовала, как мой испанский с почти нуля дотянули до основ. Очень вдохновляющие, разные совершенно люди из разных стран были в классах и на мероприятиях, много классных знакомств случилось. Если хотите много практиковать испанский, то вперёд. Ещё в семью заселитесь - не будете говорить ни на русском ни английском вообще. Я общалась с хост мамой с помощью переводчика на телефоне
Учителя преподают не скучно. Мероприятия не дают сидеть дома.
Единственный минус то, что иногда учишься по вечерам, мне было очень тяжело.
И, конечно, самое грустное - уехать после одной недели. Кто-то приезжает на 3 месяца, кто-то на 6,кто-то переехал совсем. А ты погружаешься в эту атмосферу и уезжаешь через неделю. 🙁
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5 star rating
Scuola stupenda Ho frequentato questa scuola per un mese!
Qualità prezzo ottima! Professori super preparati e disponibili.
Scuola accogliente e sono sempre pronti ad aiutarti! Attività divertenti
Consiglio vivamente!
Molto positiva!
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Lucia Angrisani Avatar
Lucia Angrisani
Profesores fantásticos, locations super bien....Todo perfecto!!!
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John Higgon Avatar
John Higgon
Excellent Spanish teaching with skilled and friendly teachers. Lessons are tailored to your level and you can create a very bespoke, flexible course. Good extra-curricular events too.
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