Expresiones en español con animales

En este curso de español queremos enseñaros expresiones que utilizamos mucho, y en las que los animales son los protagonistas: perros, caballos, cabras, cerdos…, nos servirán para expresarnos y hablar como auténticos españoles : D

Para empezar, si le dices a alguien “¡Qué animal eres!”, no le estás insultando, o al menos no le estás preguntando cuál su animal preferido o su signo del zodíaco. Utilizamos esa expresión para decir que alguien es un poco bruto. Pero también tenemos expresiones con animales, aquí os dejamos algunas:

Expresiones en español con animales.

Aprende español con Taronja School

Con nuestros cursos de español puedes mejorar tu expresión oral y aprender de una forma divertida y amena cómo somos los españoles.

¿Qué opinan nuestros alumnos de nuestros cursos de español?

Estas son algunas de las opiniones de nuestros alumnos. ¡Los premios nos los dais vosotros!

Expresiones en español con animales 2
Ruth Weinheimer Avatar
Ruth Weinheimer
Liebevoll und leidenschaftlich geführte Sprachschule mit qualitativ sehr hohem, abwechslungsreichem Unterricht und sehr engagierten Lehrern. Man kann schnell und intensiv mit viel Spaß unheimlich viel lernen. Vielen Dank!
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Moh Ammed Avatar
Moh Ammed
The best language school you will ever found!
It's no just a random language school, it's a family!
Taronja is the place to be! ♡
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Diego Bogni Avatar
Diego Bogni
I have been to Taronja School for four weeks during June/July and I really enjoyed it. The professors are all young and well prepared. The teaching methodology is very good. The proposed activities were good and permits you to meet people from foreign countries and improve your language skills. I recommend it 🙂
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Franziska Wied Avatar
Franziska Wied
I'm in the school since 3 weeks to learn spanish and I know that when I'm ready with the courses in 2 months, i can live here in Valencia with out much problems to speak the language. The course with the changing times and teachers is very cool. Also with the activities in the evenings. It's a school where it is fun to learn..!!
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5 star rating
Scuola di spagnolo a Valencia Sono tornato alla Taronja School a Valencia e come la prima volta ho ritrovato ragazzi motivati simpatici, divertenti e molto originali ma anche molto professionali, efficaci e ben organizzati.
E’ stata di nuovo una bella esperienza … grazie ragazzi!!!
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Paola Campanelli Avatar
Paola Campanelli
Fantastic friendly school with perfect service. ¡Me gustó todo!!
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Alina Gasseeva Avatar
Alina Gasseeva
Sooo coming back one day??
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Iris Helder Avatar
Iris Helder
I’ve studied at Taronja in Valencia for almost 3 weeks now and I already don’t want to leave. The teachers are nice and I felt really welcomed since I first stepped trough the schools doors! Outside of school there are activities organised by the school almost everyday. So don’t bring too many books with you, there will be enough to do here 😉
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